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Here, the elements of nature, all naive and original, are integrated in a perfect way, with the noble and graceful art, expressing the romance of “a hard-won moment of leisure from busy life” here and there. Meeting, walking, exploring and falling in love……. The spiral stairs, glistening like the golden sun, turn round and round, just like the entrance of a labyrinth, holding the space into endless mystery. The unrestrained unique originality shows the neighborhood culture of Indigo to the extremity, tender, soft, but all of strength, warm, resonant, and beautiful.


The lobby unveils the curtain to a funny traveling, following the theme of “Warm Sunshine over the Yangcheng Lake”. A big hairy crab, almost alive, stands on the golden brick, full of pride, a vivid and direct presentation of the local culture. Under the golden brick, warm light overflows beam by beam, making the brick glitter like the brocade, cozy wind flows oncoming little by little. The ethereal but refreshing reception desk looks like a tiny boat floating on the lake, all of modern skills, reminding visitors the immersed experience of rafting in leisure. Along the lakeside, reed and greens overgrown thick and dark. Lamplight penetrates through the trees and branches, leaving dappled shadows on the ground, just like the co-wandering of skylight and clouds, a beautiful encountering here. The elevator hall sings an eternal praise song to the Yangchen Lake which has nourished the Suzhou people for generation after generation. Artworks representing the image of fishing net are arranged in parallel with walls decorated with embroidery, a great reproduction of the fishing and textile life of the ancient Suzhou people. Crab is definitely a great reason which keeps you stay at the Yangcheng Lake. The bar counter of tender images just like boats parking shoulder by shoulder along the lakeside, enriching the connotation delivered by the unique screens themed with diversified crab and shrimp food and the fancy glass made into crabs, unveiling a beautiful crab banquet. The lake water ripples tenderly, while the warm comfortable atmosphere makes people calm down. Lanterns made like crab legs make the space here more fashion and funny. The jade-like meat and the golden-like roe fully fill the crab, while the wine and liquor enrich the youth life. It is the rare delicacy praised by Su Tungpo in his poem reading: “you may laugh at the foodie chief of the prefecture Wuxing, for his offering of one poem for two crabs”, it is also the relaxed and happy moment in good days adored by Li Taibai in his “the pincers hide golden liquor, while distiller packs are the fairyland”.


Splendid colors and elegant forms illustrate the charms of silk and satin, creating a silk-like beautiful dreamland. The wall paper, made following the image of the lotus island on the Yangcheng Lake, with the dark green background look like the lotus leaves stretching all over the pond, explaining the extremely beautiful landscape of “lotus seedpod available in the south region, with lotus leaves overlaid one by one”. What a warm and vigorous picture there! If there shall be a land comparable to the paradise, it is Suzhou. Suzhou is busy and prosperous, for rich and wealthy business, but more for inclusive humanity and glorious culture. The imagery narration of the space has converted touching historical stories and plots into mellow aesthetics of feeling.




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이곳에서는 천진난만하고 독창적인 자연의 요소들이 고귀하고 우아한 예술과 어우러져 여기저기서 "바쁜 삶에서 어렵게 얻은 여유로운 순간"의 낭만을 표현하고 있다. 금빛 태양처럼 반짝이는 나선형 계단이 미로처럼 빙글빙글 돌며 공간을 끝없는 미스터리로 만든다. 인디고 호텔 특유의 절제되지 않은 독창성은 끝부분까지 부드럽고 부드러우면서도 모든 힘, 따뜻함, 울림, 아름다움을 보여준다.


로비는 '양청호의 따뜻한 햇살'을 주제로 재미있는 여행의 막을 연다. 살아있는 듯한 커다란 털게가 황금색 벽돌 위에 있고, 지역 문화를 생생하고 직접적으로 표현하고 있다. 금빛 벽돌 아래로는 따뜻한 빛이 한 줄기씩 넘쳐나며 벽돌을 반짝이게 한다. 우아하지만 상쾌한 안내 데스크는 마치 호수 위에 떠 있는 작은 배처럼 생겼고, 현대적인 기술들로 방문객들에게 레프팅의 몰입된 경험을 떠올리게 한다. 자수로 장식된 벽면에 그물을 형상화한 예술작품이 나란히 배치되어 있어 고대 쑤저우족의 어업과 직물 생활을 재현하고 있다. 호숫가에 나란히 선 배처럼 부드러운 이미지의 바 카운터가 다양한 꽃게와 새우 음식을 테마로 한 독특한 화면과 꽃게로 만든 화려한 유리로 장식되어 있다. 잔잔하게 흐르는 물결이 따뜻하고 편안한 분위기를 만들어 낸다. 게 다리처럼 만들어진 랜턴이 공간을 더욱 멋지고 재미있게 만들어 준다.


화려한 색채와 우아한 형태가 실크와 새틴의 매력을 잘 표현하고 있다. 양청호의 연꽃섬을 형상화한 벽지는 짙은 녹색 바탕에 연못 곳곳에 연잎이 늘어선 것처럼 보여 아름다운 풍경을 보여준다. 




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Design    BLVD International
Location   Suzhou, China
Building area   3,603㎡
Completion   2021
Director   Honglei Liu 
Participants   Yuxin Yang, Ziying Shao, Jiayu Zhong, Yisheng Xing
Photographer   En Xiao

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Xiangyu xiangyuan Home Stay  (0) 2022.02.04
SONOFELICE DEL PINO  (0) 2022.01.03

마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
