© Jorge Allende

The Town Hall building is located in the town square, in front of the Church. The project's objective is to refurbish and extend the original square-plan building, characterized by its distinctive rural architecture. Its defects in terms of accessibility and energy efficiency prioritized a comprehensive renovation and an expansion of its useful area by 50%. 

The proposal aims to achieve a harmonious and respectful coexistence with the existing structure, preserving its most characteristic features, such as the openings and the facade's materiality. At the same time, a new clearly distinctive volume is added. In the interior, a north-south communication axis is generated, so that the elevator is located in the existing building and the staircase in the added part. The roof is understood as a unifying element of the entire project and the elevator shaft acts as a light well. 

The new extension is designed with a polyhedral and abstract volumetry, distinctly different from the existing architecture. It´s claiming its condition of an annex volume with a contemporary language through a skin of vertical wooden slats that leaves the facade openings in the background. This new volume presents itself as a muted piece, only revealing a few openings behind a continuous wooden slatted cladding.  

The volume is sculpted to respond to the urban pedestrian routes on the ground floor through the chamfers of the corners. On the other hand, its slatting gives a changing and warm texture that mutates with the lights and shadows throughout the day and varies with the seasons of the year.  

The new structure is constructed using CLT (Cross Laminated Timber) of pine sourced locally, with a low carbon footprint. To make the façade, 10cm of wood fiber insulation and a waterproof and breathable black membrane are placed on the structural panels. As the final outer layer, the technological wood slatted cladding is mounted on horizontal wooden battens. The building has an A energy certification, does not consume fossil fuels and generates its own renewable energy.  


© Jorge Allende
© Jorge Allende
© Jorge Allende
© Jorge Allende
© Jorge Allende
© Jorge Allende
© Jorge Allende



용도 Public Office, plenary hall, assembly hall
위치 Irura, Gipuzkoa
면적 660㎡
준공 2024 
대표건축가 Xabier Barrutieta
협력건축가  Ander Gonzalez (project) / Olaia Goikoetxea (project) / Ander Guerra (competition) / Nahikari Calleja (competition)
기술 Iñigo Sarobe 
사진작가 Jorge Allende

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마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
