ⓒMiguel Fernández-Galiano

Conceived as the home of a curator, El Departamento presents HOFF’s new store in Murcia as a sculptural work of art. This welcoming, lush and surprising space is dressed in iconic pieces, a warm color palette, cubist ceramics, cozy textiles and noble and natural materials.


The new HOFF store designed by El Departamento is an ode to art. The 80㎡ space has been conceived as the home of a curator, exuding an artistic atmosphere with the warmth of a home. Instead of the classic white, the neutral canvas of this space is covered with a warm color palette ranging from salmon to terracotta, complemented by noble and natural materials such as wood and marble.


ⓒMiguel Fernández-Galiano
ⓒMiguel Fernández-Galiano
ⓒMiguel Fernández-Galiano

Each piece of furniture is designed as a sculptural work of art created to measure. An example of this is the pink furniture that embraces the column and serves as a sneaker display. Meanwhile, the counter becomes an imposing sculpture with a front clad in ceramic tiles that evoke the most avant-garde cubism. Additionally, the floor is presented as a visual play created by El Departamento, where 20x20 travertine marble pieces alternate the grain vertically and horizontally, subtly generating hypnotic perspectives.


The shelving running through the space has been designed on a domestic scale, giving the interior a very cozy atmosphere. It showcases the brand’s products accompanied by books and decorative objects that could be found in any home. At its center, an oil painting surprises visitors, reflecting the vibrant art gallery that the new HOFF store has become.


ⓒMiguel Fernández-Galiano
ⓒMiguel Fernández-Galiano
ⓒMiguel Fernández-Galiano

Furthermore, El Departamento has elevated the richness of fabrics and textiles to dress this warm space. In it, the play of materials and textures blends and enhances the small corners such as the sofa area, lamps and fitting rooms.


Additionally, a custom-made rug has been designed, perfectly fitted into the floor, accentuating that homely feeling.
Thus, the new HOFF flagship store designed by El Departamento is presented as a cozy, lush, artistic, and surprising space. Every detail has been meticulously thought out by Marina Martín and Alberto Eltini, co-founders of the studio, and
their team, making it the ideal home for a curator through a careful selection of iconic works, pieces, and sculptures.



건축가  El Departamento
위치  마드리드, 스페인
용도  플래그십 스토어
연면적  80 ㎡
준공  2024
대표건축가  Alberto Eltini & Marina Martín
  El Departamento
사진작가  Miguel Fernández-Galiano

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마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
