ⓒMiguel Fernández-Galiano

Open spaces, velvet-draped walls, curved forms, glossy finishes, circular screens and a burst of Nude Project's corporate colors. This is the new flagship store designed by the creative team at El Departamento for the streetwear brand, continuing its expansion strategy in physical retail.


The architecture and interior design studio El Departamento continues its rollout of new spaces for the urban fashion brand Nude Project across major European capitals. Following the openings of stores in Bilbao and Milan, the brand's first flagship store in Lisbon opens its doors. Located in the heart of the city and on one of its main commercial arteries, the store is a tribute to the rich Portuguese architectural imprint and its contemporary aesthetic.


ⓒMiguel Fernández-Galiano
ⓒMiguel Fernández-Galiano

In this context, El Departamento's creative team, led by architect Alberto Eltini and interior designer Marina Martín, finds inspiration in Lisbon's unique charm: its Atlantic light, sea breeze and deeply-rooted culture, always open to innovation. This duality of the city is also reflected in the space's atmosphere. A typically Portuguese building houses Nude Project's new store. Its large corner façade maximizes space exposure while catching the attention of passersby.


The concept, conceived as "The Backstage of the Backstage, " reflects the brand's DNA. Nude Project is a viral brand with products designed by and for artists, a nod to its loyal community and the numerous artists who choose its garments. Thus, the Lisbon store presents itself as an exclusive sanctuary that enhances the brand's VIP essence.


ⓒMiguel Fernández-Galiano
ⓒMiguel Fernández-Galiano
ⓒMiguel Fernández-Galiano
ⓒMiguel Fernández-Galiano

Initially, El Departamento proposed covering the imposing façade with heavy velvet curtains to add an aura of mystery to the interior. However, to balance intrigue with accessibility, they opted to place these curtains on metal frames bearing the brand's logo, creating a space with an elevated atmosphere that invites the user to challenge the monotony of everyday life.


Inside, a nearly square, open-plan layout surprises visitors. Two pillars rise to disrupt its potential symmetry and draw the central axis of the space, aligned with the entrance, dividing the space into two distinct areas. The layout is articulated through a velvet-draped column that gains strength with two accessory displays dressed in the same fabric. In the middle of this central axis, a sculptural counter with gentle curves and a chocolate brown color stands as the centerpiece, topped by a large circular screen hovering above it.


ⓒMiguel Fernández-Galiano
ⓒMiguel Fernández-Galiano
ⓒMiguel Fernández-Galiano

As in each of its projects, the studio has designed custom furniture. Voluminous yet light, the furniture features soft curves to eliminate visual noise. These pieces boast glossy finishes that contrast with the naturalness of the terracottatoned
micro-cement floor. The chosen color palette for the furniture pieces breathes the identity of Nude Project, with corporate colors ranging from browns to cloud blue permeating every corner of the space.


Premium outfits adorn the backdrop of the store, displayed on backlit showcases designed ad hoc in niche form to highlight the products. Additionally, within the store, El Departamento has created an oasis: an organic Krion structure with a friendly silhouette that delimits an exclusive reserved space. Inside, there is a sinuous velvet sofa that serves as a meeting point, as well as a fitting area with an almost celestial atmosphere enclosed by long blue curtains.


Thus, the opening of the new Nude Project store in Lisbon represents another milestone in the collaborative expansion project between the brand and the studio. Overflowing innovation, talent and creativity reflected in spaces that convey the brand's essence and experience.





건축가  El Departamento
위치  리스본, 포르투갈
용도  플래그십 스토어
연면적  120 ㎡
준공  2024
대표건축가  Alberto Eltini & Marina Martín
아트 디렉터 
El Departamento
가구디자인  El Departamento
텍스타일  Deco & You
조명  Ilumisa
사진작가  Miguel Fernández-Galiano

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마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
