ⓒStijnstijl Photography




Background The Core: from car garage to office
The Core is a former 50-year-old car garage in the Amsterdam Schinkel area and was completely transformed into a modern and innovative office in one year. The building has thus been given a sustainable second life, with the authenticity of the garage still visible in the interior. For example, the old overhead doors and shed roofs are still part of the interior. The office was created entirely by CBRE's own design team, which has been designing interiors for many years for major brands. The workplace concept, sustainability, and complete renovation were also realized by CBRE itself. 




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During the entire process to create The Core, not only this building was transformed, but also the organization. Beijen continues: “With the division of the office into different zones, we went from an activity-related working environment to a workstyle-related environment. Here, people are at the centre, and we focus on innovation, co-creation, health and sustainability. The design optimally supports this philosophy, without losing sight of the unique character of the building."




ⓒStijnstijl Photography




Four zones
The Core has four different zones, suitable for every type of employee. For example, there is the Library, where employees can work in a focused and quiet ambience. The Cafe is the ideal place for meeting and connecting. Here colleagues come together or with clients for informal meetings. The Workplace is the bustling heart of the office where people work hard, and in the Client Lab colleagues and clients come up with creative answers to housing issues.




ⓒStijnstijl Photography




배경: 차고에서 사무실로
Core는 Amsterdam Schinkel 지역의 50년 된 차고였으며 1년 만에 현대적이고 혁신적인 사무실로 완전히 탈바꿈했다. 건물은 여전히 차고의 일부가 내부에 드러나 있고, 지속 가능한 제2의 삶을 얻었다. 예를 들어, 오래된 오버헤드 도어와 창고 지붕은 여전히 ​​내부의 일부로 남아있다. 사무실은 수년 동안 주요 브랜드의 인테리어를 디자인해온 CBRE의 자체 디자인 팀에 의해  만들어졌다. 작업 공간 개념, 지속 가능성 및 완전한 리노베이션도 CBRE 자체에서 실현됐다.




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Core를 만드는 전 과정에서 이 건물뿐만 아니라 조직도 변화했다. 사무실을 여러 구역으로 나누면서 활동 관련 작업 환경에서 작업 스타일 관련 환경으로 전환했다. 여기에서 사람이 중심이며 혁신, 공동 창조, 건강 및 지속 가능성에 중점을 둔다. 디자인은 건물의 고유한 특성을 놓치지 않으면서 이러한 철학을 최적으로 지원한다.




ⓒStijnstijl Photography




4개 구역
Core에는 모든 유형의 직원에게 적합한 4가지 영역이 있다. 예를 들어 직원들이 집중적이고 조용한 분위기에서 일할 수 있는 도서관이 있다. 카페는 만남과 소통을 위한 이상적인 장소다. 여기에서 직원들은 비공식 회의를 진행한다. Workplace는 사람들이 일하는 사무실의 심장부이며, Client Lab에서는 동료와 클라이언트가 주택 문제에 대한 창의적인 답변을 제시한다.




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ⓒStijnstijl Photography




ⓒStijnstijl Photography




ⓒStijnstijl Photography




ⓒStijnstijl Photography




ⓒStijnstijl Photography




Floor Plan




Design   CBRE Design(Netherlands)
Location   Amsterdam, North-Holland, The Netherlands
Building area   4,700㎡
Creative Director   Ramon Beijen
Design team   Bente Bollen, Birgit van de Steenoven, Johan Pragt
Completion   2019. 2. 25
Photographer   Stijnstijl Photography

'Interior Project > Office' 카테고리의 다른 글

Lingdi Office  (0) 2021.07.20
Effective Communication Offices  (0) 2021.07.16
DSL Headquarters in Luxembourg  (0) 2021.07.07
Sodexo Montreal  (0) 2021.07.05
Qin Group Chengdu Office  (0) 2021.06.28

마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
