ⓒ Arq. Viramonte Gonzalo




The Lazzarini Optics is located in a renovated downtown area in Villa Carlos Paz, Argentina. The design process begins with four important premises at the customer's request, it was proposed that the entire local becomes the shop window, having good lighting as a key element, that the people who go through the window are invited to enter by the design and the last as most significant was to change the traditional concept of the optics in the city.




ⓒ Arq. Viramonte Gonzalo




In consideration that it is in a process of constant growth. After several investigations, three fundamental points were also taken into account, just like the spotlight had to be on the glasses, that the optics still has to be a sanitary area, and therefore it was necessary to succeed in transmitting or communicating certain attributes inherent to the area, and the last one was not to miss the concept and design it for people. The program’s resolution retained three "hard" and immovable sectors, the cash register area, the workshop area and the contact lens cabinet area, the rest were storage and display spaces, Therefore it was proposed a facade absolutely devoid of ornamentation, we worked with a categorical cleaning, in this way we avoid obstacles to the interior.




ⓒ Arq. Viramonte Gonzalo




The color White took place, color that gives purity and cleanliness and at the same time enhances what is really important, "the product". This is matched by the smooth curves of the suspended display shelves giving a distinctive and elegant touch. By the longitudinal arrangement of the curved on different levels and the organically shaped counter. the premises are open to the public allowing access and free movement of a unique space. A discontinued "white ribbon" was laid out on six different levels, the first four destined for exhibition of our protagonists and the last two that finish in height are transformed into cornices and dematerialized parts of the ceiling. With a careful lighting project and almost like a ludic tour, is the one posed by the six ducts of general lighting of the optics, resolved with rolled sheet and with lengths that vary from 3.00 m to 3.80 m. while the ribbons have continuous strips of warm colored LEDs generating "something special" in the environment. The Lazzarini Optics stands out for the delicacy that its uniformity confers on it, and the well-being that is transmitted by experiencing the space.




ⓒ Arq. Viramonte Gonzalo




라자리니 안경점


아르헨티나 빌라 카를로스 파즈 도심에 위치한 이 프로젝트는 건축주의 요청인 4가지 전제를 기반으로 진행됐다. 매장의 전체가 쇼윈도가 될 것, 조명을 핵심 요소로 사용할 것, 창문 디자인이 고객들을 끌어모을 수 있도록 할 것, 마지막으로 안경점의 전통적인 개념을 바꾸는 것이 그 전제였다.




ⓒ Arq. Viramonte Gonzalo




프로젝트가 위치한 도시는 지속적인 성장 단계에 있었다. 조사를 통해 세 곳의 강성하고 고정된 영역으로 결제와 작업, 콘택트렌즈 보관 영역을 유지하고, 나머지 공간을 진열과 보관을 위한 공간으로 사용하기로 했다. 전체적으로 공간을 비워내면서 진행된 작업은 건물 내부에서의 방해가 생기지 않도록 했다.




ⓒ Arq. Viramonte Gonzalo




순수함과 청결함을 주는 하얀 색상과 천장에 매달린 디스플레이장의 부드러운 곡선이 매치되어 독특하고 우아한 감성을 선사한다. 다양한 레벨의 곡선과 유기적으로 구성된 카운터의 배열이 이런 우아함을 한층 더 살려준다. 조심스럽게 진행한 조명 프로젝트는 덕트와 하얀 리본으로 따뜻한 LED조각이 연속되게 나타나도록 배치되었다.




ⓒ Arq. Viramonte Gonzalo


ⓒ Arq. Viramonte Gonzalo



























Location   Villa Carlos Paz, Argentina

Building area   106.74m²

Program   Comercial

Complete   2019

Principal architects   Arq. Castellino Dario

Client   Lazzarini Nicolás 

Photographer   Arq. Viramonte Gonzalo

'Interior Project > Retail' 카테고리의 다른 글

Uvée - Optometry Clinic  (0) 2021.07.15
Mumokuteki Concept Bookstore  (0) 2021.07.13
Self Service Laundry  (0) 2020.07.09
RUBIO  (0) 2020.06.19

마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
