
dongqi Design designed the first space in Shanghai for 15 ESSENTIALS. It exhibits aromatic culture, displays essential oil products, provides a fragrance experienceand creates a soothing atmosphere of aromatherapy for the public at the same time. The concept comes from nature. The natural stone walls are made of seven pieces of roughly 3-meter-long raw stones selected by the designer from the quarry. As the in-between stage before entering the market, raw stones remain textures and marks of mining and natural erosion on the surfaces. These artificial and natural signs are proofs of the "socialization" of stones and have been preserved by the designer. The raw materials are only cut and used near the raw surface, and are arranged on the walls at certain angle. The rough texture of the raw stone faces the main space, while contrasts the polished cut surface on the other side.


The wooden boards serve as the display shelves are made of a whole log. The facades of the shelves retain the primitive texture of the bark. The layers which show the growth of trees can be seen on the main surfaces of boards. The contrast between the rough texture of the bark and the smooth finish of the cut surface is similar to which of the stone walls. The shelves are designed as a flexible display system. The removable fixing bolts of the shelves simulate the iron wedges used in the quarries. Holes are chiseled on the wall stones according to well-designed position. The idea that the iron bolts, on which the wooden boards are placed, can be flexibly inserted into different holes provides many possibilities of the layouts. The customized wall lamps which can be fixed in the holes are inspired by the iron wedge as well.


Two stones are stacked in a seemingly unstable status to serve as the booth at the entrance. The upper stone is hollowed out a four-story-stand cavity in the middle for display. Meanwhile, a set of sophisticated installation is suspended on steel cables above the booth to display the devices of extraction and purification. The shape of the overall installation fits the shape of the stone hollow below, as if the devices are excavated from the stone as a whole. The solid and primitive stone booth contrasts the graceful and laboratory-like installation, and together convey the brand spirit about the power from nature but more than nature. During the process of stone stacking, small irregular platforms are formed due to uneven stone thickness, where moss is planted to make the walls like natural rocks. Meanwhile, stone surfaces with artificial marks and natural traces, ragged bark textures, rusty ironworks altogether tell stories about time and nature, which in contrast with exquisite craftsmanship such as polished surfaces of stones and floors, transparent glass and glossy steel cables. The contrast and integration convey 15 ESSENTIALS’ exploration and pursuit of the power beyond nature.




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건축가 dongqi Design
위치 Jing An Kerry Centre, 1515 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai, China
면적 25 sqm
준공 2023.4.
디자인디렉터 JIANG Nan
디자인팀 Edoardo Nieri, Huiyi Wu, Danyi Zhang, Ning Wang, Chloe Wang
인테리어디자인 dongqi Design
프로젝트관리 및 종합 TAI Architecture & Decoration
사진작가 Wuding

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마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
