©Luis Beltran


Automotive brand Lynk & Co has opened its second Club in Madrid, located on the iconic Gran Vía. This new 360m2 space, designed by Masquespacio studio and the Lynk & Co Design Team, represents an oasis of creativity and functionality in the heart of the city.

More than just a dealership, the Lynk & Co Club Madrid is configured as an open and versatile space where users can work, shop, socialize, attend events, and even test drive the brand's 01 model. The design by Masquespacio and the Lynk & Co Design Team in-spired by the seven artistic disciplines and emblematic references of the city of Madrid, offers a 'fun and ironic' experience in every cor-ner.

A sensory journey through unique spaces:
Upon entering the Lynk & Co Club Madrid, you are greeted by a cozy lounge area with a yellow sofa that invites relaxation and interaction. Mirrors and colored lights also create a dynamic and vibrant atmos-phere that invites you to discover every corner of the space.

Continuing your journey, you'll find the bar, an iconic space for the brand with neutral colors and materials that respect its brand identity. Opposite, you'll see a first meeting area surrounded by a purple rain created by contrasts of metal blinds and glass bricks.

On the way to the other main areas, you'll also find a selection of Gears with a sustainable focus that can be purchased at the Lynk & Co Club. However, what will really catch your eye is a large pink cube with decomposed shapes that houses one of Madrid's first cultural references. Thus, the bathrooms of the Lynk & Co Club Madrid are inspired by the Teatro de La Zarzuela and suddenly transport you to a world of glamour and sophistication, with gold details and dim lighting that create a theatrical atmosphere.

The other reference to Madrid can be seen in the fitting room designed with a fluorescent curtain that is lowered by pulling a rope and is inspired by the skirts of Las Meninas. Right behind it, the Lynk & Co 01 is presented in an environment that aims to represent the futuristic and technological concept of the vehicle.

Now we are going down the stairs among the clouds to find the last 2 spaces of the new Lynk & Co Club Madrid.
On one side we have an area with tables and seats for meetings and events that clearly reminds us of some scenes from Asian movies, ending in the pop art bathroom that brings another fun concept to the space.

A project full of 'fun':
The Masquespacio team has poured all their ingenuity and creativity into the design of the Lynk & Co Club Madrid, with the aim of creat-ing a unique and memorable space for users. As the project's motto says, "It's all about fun".



©Luis Beltran
©Luis Beltran
©Luis Beltran
©Luis Beltran
©Luis Beltran
©Luis Beltran
©Luis Beltran
©Luis Beltran
©Luis Beltran


디자이너  Masquespacio
위치  Gran Vía 1, 28013 Madrid
연면적  360 m²
준공  2024. 4.
클라이언트  Lynk & Co 
사진작가  Luis Beltran 

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마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
