With the aim of revitalizing the public life of Jalpa de Méndez, Tabasco, an urban master plan was designed for SEDATU, which renovated four of the city's most representative public spaces: the High-Performance Sports Center, the Community Development Center (CDC), located at the Recreational Park "El Campestre" and the Baseball Stadium Manuel Vargas Izquierdo.
The Community Development Center (CDC) is a cultural and educational space that offers more inclusive development opportunities for the local community.

The project was conceived as a habitable sculptural piece, with an architectural program composed of workshops, multi-purpose rooms, a library, an auditorium, and an administrative area. These are developed through a simple structure, composed of eight monumental concrete panels perforated with semicircular arches.
The perforations in the concrete panels create the necessary void for an interior garden, providing an urban oasis with a pleasant microclimate. The central garden concentrates the core of the work, a vibrant space that allows for interesting views from inside the building.
As a local identity mark, orange-toned concrete was used, evoking the color of the regional quarry present in the balustrade of the main arcade of the historic center of Jalpa de Méndez. This choice also responds to the region's climate, reflecting the warmth and avoiding the accumulation of humidity.

The design offers a modern reinterpretation of the ancient conventual structures that characterize Mexican architectural history. The semicircular arches present in the structure represent a contemporary update that not only contributes to the architectural design but also favors air circulation and the entry of natural light into the interior of the building.
The construction allowed for an authentic exchange of knowledge with the local community, merging design technologies with artisanal processes to integrate a new language into the constructive memory of the Tabasco landscape.

By employing local workers, different construction knowledge was intertwined, strengthening the connection of the work with the Tabasco landscape. The participatory process led to a new constructive language, instilling a sense of achievement, pride, and identity in the local community.
In summary, the Community Development Center "La Guadalupe" is a project that seeks to promote participation and social and cultural development in the community of Jalpa de Méndez, Tabasco. The project was part of the Urban Improvement program of SEDATU in Jalpa de Méndez, Tabasco.

건축가 CCA Centro de Colaboración Arquitectónica
위치 할파 데 멘데즈, 멕시코
용도 복합문화
연면적 1,240 m²
준공 2022
대표건축가 Bernardo Quinzaños
프로젝트 팀 Andrés Suárez, André Torres, Miguel Izaguirre, Javier Castillo, Carlos Cruz, Gabriela Horta, Florencio de Diego, Lorenza Hernández, Mara Calderón de la Barca, Norma Mendoza, Jair Rodríguez, Santiago Vélez, Begoña Manzano, Fernanda Ventura, Victor Zúñiga
사진작가 Jaime Navarro
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