Less than a year ago Nacho and his partners contacted Clap Studio. They had just created the first home-delivered artisanal bao company in their hometown and had the dream of opening the first bao restaurant in Valencia. They had been living and traveling for years around Asia, America and Africa and with the same adventurous spirit they created Baovan, a project clearly inspired by the surfing and exploring lifestyle of all the partners who have given life to this project.
Our challenge was to create an experience in accordance with the spirit and personality of Baovan, a brand linked to the sea and with a very specific brand claim "Beers, beach and baos". Our goal was to transport the user to a beach from where to watch the sunset and enjoy some handmade baos, so we created a whole experience around it.
We divide the space into three distinct areas that the user discovers as he or she enters the space. From the outside we discover "the forest", a porch full of ropes that fall from the ceiling representing a dense vegetation. Once the user crosses the forest he discovers the beach and its sunset. A screen in the shape of a half-moon attracts the user's eyes. This screen programmed by Vitamin Studio recreates the colors of a sunset and is programmed to match its duration to a dinner service.
The interior shows a constant duality of colors that takes us in and out of the water. On the ceiling we recreate a blanket of clouds that brings a magical atmosphere to the interior reflecting the lights of the sunset that is in constant movement. Baovan hides one more area, a reserved area for 10 people where you can have dinner in the moonlight.
Round and crescent shapes are repeated throughout the space inspired by the shape of the bao bread. From the windows that connect the exterior to the interior, to the lighting installation, to the Baovan chairs designed exclusively for the restaurant that represent the shape of an open bao bread.
그들은 고향에서 처음으로 집에서 배달하는 장인 바오 회사를 만들었고 발렌시아에 최초의 바오 레스토랑을 여는 꿈을 가지고 있었다. 그들은 수년간 아시아, 미국, 아프리카를 돌아다니며 살아왔고, 그들이 만든 것과 같은 모험 정신으로 바오반을 만들었다. 이 프로젝트는 서핑과 라이프스타일에서 영감을 받은 프로젝트이다.
우리의 도전은 바다와 연계된 브랜드이자 '맥주, 해변, 바오반'이라는 매우 구체적인 브랜드 주장으로 바오반의 정신과 개성에 맞는 경험을 만드는 것이었다. 우리의 목표는 일몰을 보고 수제 바오를 즐길 수 있는 해변에서 사용자를 수송하는 것이었고, 그래서 우리는 그 주변에서 전체적인 경험을 할 수 있는 공간을 만들고자했다.
우리는 공간을 사용자가 그 공간에 들어갈 때 발견하는 세 개의 별개의 영역으로 나눈다. 바깥에서 우리는 "숲"을 발견하는데, 천장에서 떨어지는 밧줄로 가득 찬 현관은 울창한 초목을 상징한다.
Design : Clap Studio
Photography : Daniel Rueda
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