ⓒDONG Image


For some reasons, the Art Zone on the West bund of Shanghai was to be demolished, and MOA Studio of Atelier GOM was among them. Almost at the same time, the curator of the Migratory Bird 300 section of the Aranya Theater Festival in Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province, invited GOM to design a temporary building for artists' activities and exhibitions. Since the area was comparable, Atelier GOM was prepared to dismantle the key components of the MOA Studio on the West bund of Shanghai and transport them to Aranya for assembly, completing a performance art of migratory birds in flight, as well as a grand funeral for the entire West bund Art Zone. Since the previous space was called Museum of Distraction, the name of this time will be MOA Museum of DistractionMMD for short.


ⓒChen Yang(whyseeimage)
ⓒChen Yang(whyseeimage)
ⓒChen Yang(whyseeimage)


The MOA studio of West Bund is a steel building for nine years old, and the structural form consists of a number of classical curved trusses, as well as peripheral common trusses plus other structural elements, and is partially two-story. The building envelop is very lightweight materials such as PC panels, sandwich panels, fiber cement panels, and wood panels. We did not have the right to demolish this house, and in order to keep it relatively intact for return to the government for demolition, we were only able to remove a few items from the interior of the structure, while still ensuring its stability. The building components that were eventually removed were the curved steel beams, the exterior doors, the old door panels of the perimeter wall, the steel staircase in the lobby, the wooden staircase in the office, the nine-pieces installation, the solid wood floor boards, the ceiling mesh and convex mirrors, the corton steel steps, some of the handles, the corrugated metal perforated panels, the signature wall, the iron chairs, the metal curtains, and so on. And the final date for all of it to be removed is June 17, 2024 after it is returned to the government.


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ⓒDONG Image


MMD utilizes a steel and canvas exterior envelope that is not completely enclosed and can just keep out most of the rain. The second floor slab was partially constructed with wood shipped in from the sea, while most of it was sourced locally. The time available for construction is only ten days in total, so a lot of on-site steel processing is done in advance in the factory, and then assembled on-site with the steel structure shipped from Shanghai, and the column foundations on the beach are made by deep embedding of steel plates. All kinds of cloth used for building envelope are ordered in advance in Taobao according to the pre-designed drawings. In order to create a stronger connection with the original building, we also used a large number of the most characteristic PC panels of the original building. In order to accommodate possible video exhibitions, we made a closed room on the first floor and a closed room on the second floor, which is the real appearance of MOA before it became an office. The completion date of the MMD is the day after the demolition of the MOA in West Bund , June 18, 2024, in time for the Migratory Bird 300 countdown ceremony.


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ⓒDONG Image
ⓒDONG Image
ⓒDONG Image
ⓒDONG Image
ⓒDONG Image


Before the construction, there was a preliminary plan for the exhibition, and it went through some modifications later. Overall, the semi-open space like MMD is still very adaptable for the exhibition. The main contents are glass art, video installation, photography installation, VR, sculpture, etc., as well as various performances and workshops during the process, and there will also be impromptu facade paintings produced during the 12 days of existence. One of the photographs is a wet plate by Shanghai-based photographer Su Shengliang, taken one month before the demolition of MOA in West Bund.


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The slogan of Migratory Bird 300 is "It's Happening", so for 12 days there will be a lot of unpredictable things happening. There will be all kinds of improvised behaviors and activities, and even local changes to the building are possible. After the 12 days of existence, the curators would like to let MMD continue to fly, that is, to be reassembled and moved to other art activities, perhaps to the desert, perhaps to the grassland.



Floor Plan
Section Detail
Axo Diagram



건축가  Atelier GOM
위치  아란야, 중국
용도  복합문화
연면적  375 ㎡
준공  2024
대표건축가  Zhang Jiajing You Lizhong
협업  Atelier Heimat
디자인팀  Zhang Dongguang Sun Zhiwei
DONG Image, Sun Zhiwei, Lv Xiaobin, Su Shengliang, Chen Yang/whyseeimage

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마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
