ⓒ(Hanmo Vision) Ye Song


샤이니온 · 달빛

샤이니온 · 달빛은 현대와 고전의 융합 속에서 독특한 디자인 철학과 건축 미학을 펼친 공간으로, 도시의 번잡함에서 벗어나 평화로운 안식처를 제공한다. 디자이너는 고전 건축에서 영감을 받아 정확한 기하학과 아치의 아름다움을 현대 언어로 재해석했다.

마당은 서로 다른 공간을 이어주는 연결고리일 뿐만 아니라 사색과 성찰의 공간이 된다. 빛과 그림자, 돌과 잔물결이 서로 울려 퍼지며 다감각적인 경험을 만든다. 프라다 그린 대리석의 광택으로 보완된 현관은 아침 햇살이 창문을 통해 들어오며 시간의 흔적을 드러낸다. 실내의 따뜻한 베이지색 공간의 재료 패턴은 고요함과 동적인 감각을 미묘하게 병치시켜 자연스러운 질감과 미적 분위기를 조화시켰다. 바닥부터 천장까지 이어지는 유리창은 부드러운 자연광을 도입해 빛과 그림자의 역동성을 담아낸다. 천장의 아치형 디자인 요소는 부드러운 곡선을 통해 공간의 기하학적인 선과 조화를 이룬다. 개방적인 배치와 간결한 구조를 지닌 누각은 공용 공간일 뿐만 아니라 다기능적인 공간이 되었다. 디자이너는 원활한 순환과 구성을 통해 일관적이고 확장적인 공간 분위기를 조성하여 자유로운 사고의 안식처를 제안하였다.



ⓒ(Hanmo Vision) Ye Song
ⓒ(Hanmo Vision) Ye Song
ⓒ(Hanmo Vision) Ye Song

Shinion · Moonlight is a space that reveals a unique design philosophy and architectural aesthetics by blending modernity and classicism, offering a peaceful refuge from the bustle of the city. The designer drew inspiration from classical architecture, reinterpreting the precision of geometry and the beauty of arches in a modern language.


The courtyard serves not only as a link connecting different spaces but also as a place for contemplation and reflection. The interplay of light and shadow, stones and ripples creates a multi-sensory experience. The entrance, complemented by the sheen of Prada green marble, reveals the traces of time as morning sunlight streams through the windows. The warm beige materials and patterns of the interior subtly juxtapose serenity and vitality, harmonizing natural textures with an aesthetic ambiance. Floor-to-ceiling windows bring in soft natural light, capturing the dynamism of light and shadow. The arched design elements of the ceiling harmonize with the geometric lines of the space with their gentle curves. The pavilion, with its open layout and simple structure, serves as both a communal and multifunctional space. The designer proposed a sanctuary for free thinking by creating a consistent and expansive spatial atmosphere through seamless circulation and composition.


ⓒ(Hanmo Vision) Ye Song
ⓒ(Hanmo Vision) Ye Song
ⓒ(Hanmo Vision) Ye Song
ⓒ(Hanmo Vision) Ye Song
ⓒ(Hanmo Vision) Ye Song


건축가 GFD Studio
위치 China, Hangzhou
프로젝트면적 996㎡
준공 2023. 12.
대표디자이너 Ye Fei
디자인팀 Chen Xiaojing, Tang Rong, Ye Lei, Xu Shuiliang
마감 Wei Baijun, Wu Chitao, Deng Qiang, Ren Conghui, Bai Xuemin, Huang Man
가구 Zuo Jue, Gao Chenmei
사진작가 (Hanmo Vision) Ye Song


해당 프로젝트는 건축문화 2024년 7월호(Vol. 518)에 게재되었습니다.
The project was published in the July, 2024 recent projects of the magazine(Vol. 517).


July 2024 : vol. 517

Contents :  SKETCH Strange and Ornate Line in Paris / Anastasia Lavru파리의 이상하고 화려한 선들 / 아나스타샤 라브루 : COMPETITION   :  RECENT PROJECT ITZAE / YEHA PARTNERS architects 잇재 / 건축사사무소 



'Interior Project > Hospitality' 카테고리의 다른 글

Mumian Chengdu  (0) 2024.08.19
Boatyard Hotel  (0) 2024.08.16
Oyado Onn Nakatsugawa  (0) 2024.08.08
Yiyun · Bishan Hotel  (0) 2024.03.26
CR Land Urban Exhibition Hall, Hainan  (0) 2024.01.23

마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
