ⓒMasao Nishikawa


오야도 온 나카츠가와

오야도 온 나카츠가와는 일본 농촌 활성화의 롤모델이 될 새로운 스타일의 호텔이다. 건물이 위치한 나카츠가와 지역은 관광지의 밀집도가 높지 않은 지역이다. 이를 반영하여 평일에는 출장자, 주말에는 관광객을 대상으로 지역 고유의 건축 디자인을 담은 숙박시설을 계획했다. 료칸과 비슷한 숙박 경험을 제공하면서, 규모는 비즈니스 호텔과 비슷해야 했다. 전반적인 디자인은 일본의 전통 형식과 현대 형식에 크게 구애받지 않았다. 오야도 온 나카츠가와는 에나산 기슭에 직접 편입되었고, 1층 바닥은 건물 안으로 깊숙이 들어갈수록 높이가 높아지도록 설계되었다. 또한 지역 공장과 장인들이 만든 다양한 편백 물품을 곳곳에 활용하여 지역의 목재 산업 네트워크를 하나로 묶는 거점의 역할도 한다.



ⓒMasao Nishikawa
ⓒMasao Nishikawa

Oyado Onn Nakatsugawa is a new style of hotel that serves as a model for revitalizing Japanese rural areas. Located in the Nakatsugawa region, which isn’t densely populated with tourist attractions, the hotel was planned to cater to business travelers on weekdays and tourists on weekends, incorporating local architectural designs. While aiming to offer a Ryokan-like experience, it needed to maintain a scale similar to business hotels. The overall design wasn’t heavily constrained by traditional or modern Japanese forms. Positioned at the foot of Mt. Ena-san, Oyado Onn Nakatsugawa features a design where the ground floor gradually rises as you move deeper into the building. Additionally, it utilizes various products made by local artisans and factories throughout the facility, serving as a hub that integrates the local woodworking industry network.


ⓒMasao Nishikawa
ⓒMasao Nishikawa
ⓒMasao Nishikawa
ⓒMasao Nishikawa
ⓒMasao Nishikawa
ⓒMasao Nishikawa


건축가 Naruse Inokuma Architects
건축설계 Naruse Inokuma Architects
위치 Nakatsugawa, Gifu, Japan
대지면적 1,027.69㎡
건축면적 656.27㎡
연면적 2,751.07㎡
준공 2022. 9.
사진작가 Masao Nishikawa


해당 프로젝트는 건축문화 2024년 7월호(Vol. 518)에 게재되었습니다.
The project was published in the July, 2024 recent projects of the magazine(Vol. 517).


July 2024 : vol. 517

Contents :  SKETCH Strange and Ornate Line in Paris / Anastasia Lavru파리의 이상하고 화려한 선들 / 아나스타샤 라브루 : COMPETITION   :  RECENT PROJECT ITZAE / YEHA PARTNERS architects 잇재 / 건축사사무소 



'Interior Project > Hospitality' 카테고리의 다른 글

Boatyard Hotel  (0) 2024.08.16
Shinion · Moonlight  (0) 2024.08.13
Yiyun · Bishan Hotel  (0) 2024.03.26
CR Land Urban Exhibition Hall, Hainan  (0) 2024.01.23

마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
