ⓒTomoyuki Kusunose
ⓒTomoyuki Kusunose

Toranomon Hills Station Tower, designed by OMA/Shohei Shigematsu, has been completed. Developed by Mori Building, the 49-story mixed-use tower is the firm’s first ground-up building in Tokyo and largest built work to date. The building is the final installment of Mori Building’s vision for Toranomon Hills Area and central Tokyo as a new Global Business Center hub.


The Toranomon Hills Station Tower takes an open approach to the connection between the building and the city, creating a tightly woven interface in the immediate urban context. The building has a highly public base including a new Tokyo Metro Station tower underground, a light-filled station atrium and retail concourse, and a cultural center at the top called TOKYO NODE. A new hotel and leasable office floors are located in between.


ⓒTomoyuki Kusunose

The tower stands at the terminus of Shintora-dori Avenue, a newly configured thoroughfare connecting Tokyo Bay to the city center. Its form is created by extending the axis of Shintora-dori Avenue-its public character defines a central activity band in which special areas for gathering are concentrated. The core is lifted and split to either side of the base, drawing the public inward. The avenue extends into and through the tower via an elevated pedestrian bridge, completing a loop of greenery and activities for Toranomon Hills Area.


ⓒTomoyuki Kusunose
ⓒTomoyuki Kusunose

The bridge divides the base into two retail zones. The lower zone, the Station Atrium, provides direct access to the new Toranomon Hills Station on the Hibiya Line of the Tokyo Metro. The multi-story underground station is open to the outside and flooded with natural light, providing fluid access to the interior of the tower.


The public activity at the base extends vertically to form a central band of special areas for tenants throughout the tower. The building is shaped to reveal this band from multiple vantage points, making it visible across Tokyo. Two slabs sandwiching the central band are formed in inverted symmetry. The north slab narrows as it reaches the top in deference to the Imperial Palace. The south slab is narrowest at its base and widens as it rises, maximizing views of Tokyo Tower and the Roppongi Hills skyline.


ⓒJason O_Rear
ⓒJason O_Rear
ⓒTomoyuki Kusunose
ⓒTomoyuki Kusunose

The tower is open to the public and defines a new center of commercial and cultural activity. Works of art and exhibition space are integral to the tower’s presence in the urban context. A series of public art commissions, including site-specific works by Leo Villareal, Larry Bell, Oba Daisuke, and N. S. Harsha will be on view throughout the complex. The top floor of the tower is dedicated to TOKYO NODE, a multifaceted center for cultural activities devised by OMA and Mori Building in collaboration. Its state-of-the-art Lab, three galleries, and sky garden with a pool and restaurants open with a specially commissioned installation by Rhizomatiks x ELEVENPLAY.


Shohei Shigematsu, Partner, OMA: “I am very happy that the Toranomon Hills Station Tower, our first ground-up building in Tokyo and first high-rise in Japan, is now taking its place in the city. The tower makes connections with the Tokyo Metro network, the surrounding neighborhood along a renewed Shintora-dori, and other nearby skyscrapers spatially and programmatically.


ⓒJason O_Rear

It blends together living, working, and cultural activity within and around its highly public base and top. The resulting multilayered, three-dimensional experience of space, a signature of life in Tokyo, is seamlessly knitted into the city fabric. It was fun and rewarding to create a vision for a project of this scale and complexity with Mori Building, and work in Japan with a great team of collaborators, whose expertise and dedication to craft and execution were essential to the project. I look forward to seeing the new building enhance existing urban relationships and start to create new ones.”







건축가  OMA New York
위치  도쿄, 일본
용도  주상복합 / 오피스
연면적  236,640 m²
준공  2023
대표건축가  Shohei Shigematsu / Takeshi Mitsuda, Jake Sadler-Foster, Luke Willis
수석 건축가 
Mori Building Co., Ltd., Kume Sekkei 
Yuzaburo Tanaka, Sumit Sahdev, Yoshiki Matsuda, Anahita Tabrizi, Sergio Zapata, Timothy Tse, Yusef Ali Dennis, Stavros Voskaris, Tommaso Bernabo Silorata, Jackie Woon Bae, Eduardo Tazon Maigre, Tristan Zelic, Noam Dvir, Remy Bertin, Juan Pablo Zepeda, Mitchell Lorberau, Alan Song, Sukjoo Hong, Ken Chongsuwat, Caroline Corbett, Ninoslav Krgovic, Natasha Trice, Toru Okada, Timothy Ho, Andrea Zalewski, Alyssa Murasaki Saltzgaber, Chong Ying Pai, Minkoo Kang, Joanne Chen, Jeremy Kim, Daeho Lee, Mattia Alfieri, Tetsuo Kobayashi, Assaf Kimmel, Aishwarya Keshav, Danni Zhang, Yuriko Tanabe, Taro Kagami, Tomotsugu Ishida, Bom Chinburi, Jade Kwong, Phillip Denny, Miguel Darcy, Eugenia Bevz, Shary Tawil, Wesley Ho, Nicholas Solakian, Carly Dean, Elly Cho, Tamara Jamil, Matthew Davis, Darby Foreman

아티스트 협업  Sabine Marcelis (vertical circulation), Leo Villareal (“Firmament” at tower entrance), Larry Bell (“Pinky” in Sky Lobby), Oba Daisuke (“M” in shuttle elevator hall), N.S. Harsha (“Matter” on T-DECK)
구조엔지니어  Kume Sekkei
사진작가  Tomoyuki Kusunose, Jason O_Rear

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마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
