ⓒEva Bloem

Havenkade Nijmegen 


Havenkade, located by the harbour along the Waal river, is the most recent residential addition to Nijmegen’s urban silhouette. The development is part of the larger urban transformation plan for the Waalfront area, the city’s former industrial district. The project is a joint initiative, notable for its diversity in housing types. It comprises 324 apartments, including 164 social rent units for housing corporations Talis and Portaal, designed by architectuurcentrale Thijs Asselbergs and Van Ommeren Associates (VOA). The 38 medium-priced rental apartments and 122 private-sector apartments were designed by JURY.


Within a recognisable masonry ensemble a versatile mix of housing has been created. Characteristic are the two-storey heigh entrances that form the connection between the new city street and the courtyard within the building block. The exterior has a robust masonry character, while the courtyard is detailed in a more neutral way that serves as a basis for the vegetation to flourish.


ⓒEva Bloem
ⓒEva Bloem
ⓒEva Bloem

Building housing diversity

The urban masterplan for the Havenkade plot was conceived by Asselbergs and VOA. By deviating from the original plan for two separate buildings and instead proposing an integrated development for a cohesive building block, maximum benefit can be derived from shared resources such as mobility infrastructure, landscaping and a robust architectural ensemble.


There is an urgent need for more affordable housing in general, but in particular compact apartments for starters and single occupants. The collaborating architectural firms, aTa and VOA, see tailor-made standardised construction and modular construction as the solution for the future. Series-produced housing projects consisting of diversity in housing typologies create architectural enrichment with lasting value. In the Havenkade project, social housing is designed with the same attention and thoughtfulness as all other housing types.


The variety of housing typologies on the Havenkade – living by the water, the street or the courtyard and the range of sizes of apartments and maisonettes – offer diverse housing options for the Nijmegen community.


ⓒEva Bloem
ⓒEva Bloem

Green living by the harbour

The location of Havenkade lies at the intersection between the views of the harbour, the Waal river and the main cycling route across the dyke to the city centre. The courtyard of the ensemble opens up to the harbour, creating a connection with the public waterfront and the landscape. The landscape, designed by Felixx Landscape Architects and Planners, combines the need for mobility infrastructure, green surroundings and a vegetative environment.


Future-proof interventions along the embankment have been made with flood defence in mind, integrating parking with trees in the open ground and infiltration of rainwater on the courtyard. These interventions contribute to a climate adaptive and healthy living environment.


https://www.vo-a.com/FLOOR PLAN



건축가  van Ommeren Architecten & architectuurcentrale Thijs Asselbergs
위치  네이메헌, 네덜란드
용도  사회주택
연면적  17,000
준공  2023
대표건축가  Joeri van Ommeren, Fallon Walton, Thijs Asselbergs
조경 디자인 
Felixx Landscape Architects & Planners
구조엔지니어  Croes Bouwtechnisch Ingenieursbureau
사진작가  Eva Bloem

마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
