Gourmet Street

ⓒ Donggyu Kim




The Place, not way for Line of Direction
In 2017, the client of this project, "Starfield," took over management of "Coex Mall." To remedy the fatal flaw of the area, they built a landmark known as the "Starfield Library." Even though the "Starfield Library" served as a landmark, individuals still got lost. This was known to the client, but the primary reason why this flaw was inevitable was that people entering "Starfield Coex Mall" could not determine their direction. Without a nearby absolute reference point, such as the sun, it is impossible to determine the direction based on a single point in space. Therefore, it was difficult to determine direction with only one landmark, the "Starfield Library," in the "Starfield Coex Mall." The client and we realized this, and to overcome it, we created several connected points to the Starfield Library. When these points are connected in a straight line, they serve as a compass for people to navigate the space. We planned three points, "Gourmet Street," "Live Plaza," and "Aquarium Street," to form a linear connection that would serve as a compass for people in the space, rather than relying on the "Starfield Library" alone. To make these points more distinguishable, we came up with the idea of assigning them each a distinct personality.


The three locations were geographically separated, and their surrounding environments were distinct. In addition, the structure of the given space and the users' intended use of the space were distinct. Given the circumstances, it was natural to assign characters to each of the three locations, but while doing so, we couldn't help but feel that it was insufficient.


Along with this visual character, I thought it was essential to have a function that could actively motivate people to act. And when we did that, we thought that the space that originally functioned as a 'way' for people to walk could be transformed into a 'place' and fully fulfill its own function. We designed these three points to function as a 'place' that can provide rest to people along with creating a single monument by giving each branch a character so that it can fulfill its role.




ⓒ Donggyu Kim



길이 아닌 장소, 그리고 선(線)
이번 프로젝트의 클라이언트인 '스타필드(Starfield)'는 2017년부터 '코엑스몰'의 운영을 맡았습니다. 그리고 공간의 치명적인 단점을 위해 '별마당도서관(StarField Library)'이라는 이정표를 만들었습니다. '별마당 도서관'은 이정표로서 그 역할을 충분히 했지만 사람들은 여전히 길을 잃었습니다. 클라이언트도 인지하고 있는 것이었지만 '스타일드 코엑스몰(Starfield Coex Mall)'에서 그럴 수 밖에 없는 가장 큰 이유는 공간 안에 들어선 사람들이 자신의 방향을 알 수 없었기 때문이었습니다. 태양과 같은 절대 기준의 존재가 주변에 있는 것이 아니라면 공간에서 단 하나의 지점만으로는 방향을 알 수 없습니다. 그렇기 때문에 '스탚리드 코엑스몰'의 '별마당도서관'이라는 하나의 이정표만으로는 방향을 알기에는 어려웠던 것이었고, 클라이언트와 우리는 그것을 타개하기 위해 별마당도서관과 연결되는 몇 개의 지점을 만들고 각각의 지점이 연결되어 선형을 이루게 되면 사람들에게 공간 안에서의 나침반 역할을 할 수 있도록 하였습니다. 그렇게 '고메스트리트', '라이브플라자', '아쿠아리움스트리트' 라고 이름지어진 3개의 지점을 계획하였고 그 지점들을 좀 더 명확하게 인지할 수 있도록 캐릭터를 입히는 구상을 하였습니다.

3개의 지점은 당연히 위치도 모두 떨어져 있고, 주변의 환경도 달랐습니다. 그리고 주어진 공간의 구조와 사용자가 공간을 사용하는 목적도 달랐습니다. 이렇게 주어진 상황을 고려하여 캐릭터를 부여하는 것은 당연한 수순이었지만 그 과정 속에서 그것만으로는 부족하다는 생각은 피할 수 없었습니다. 이 시각적 캐릭터와 더불어 사람들의 행동을 적극적으로 유도할 수 있는 기능이 반드시 필요하다고 생각했고, 그렇게 되었을 때 우리는 원래 사람이 보행하는 '길'로서 기능을 하는 공간이 '장소'로 변모하여 자신의 기능을 온전히 할 수 있다고 생각했습니다. 우리는 이 3개 지점이 각각 자신의 역할을 다 할 수 있도록 각 지점에 캐릭터를 부여하여 하나의 상징물(Monument)로 만듬과 동시에 사람들에게 쉼을 선사할 수 있는 '장소'로서의 기능을 하도록 디자인하였습니다.




ⓒ Donggyu Kim




ⓒ Donggyu Kim




ⓒ Donggyu Kim




ⓒ Donggyu Kim




ⓒ Donggyu Kim




ⓒ Donggyu Kim




ⓒ Donggyu Kim




ⓒ Donggyu Kim











Live Plaza

ⓒ Donggyu Kim




ⓒ Donggyu Kim




ⓒ Donggyu Kim




ⓒ Donggyu Kim




ⓒ Donggyu Kim




ⓒ Donggyu Kim




ⓒ Donggyu Kim




ⓒ Donggyu Kim










Aquarium Street

ⓒ Donggyu Kim




ⓒ Donggyu Kim




ⓒ Donggyu Kim




ⓒ Donggyu Kim




ⓒ Donggyu Kim








Location : 524, Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
Site area : Aquarium Street : 742.57㎡, Gourmet Street : 2,243.44㎡, Live Plaza : 472.09㎡
Completion :  2023
Photographer : Donggyu Kim



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