ⓒ Seeun Park




Onion Studio is a clothing select shop that proposes a unique street look for the MZ generation. This store is located in a large shopping mall in Dongdaemun, the center of fashion in Korea, and it was designed in consideration of various special matters.


The existing space had a difference in ceiling height. The glass wall at the front of the store, which runs from the window wall to the ceiling, gave a sense of separation from the inner space. We tried to functionally separate the existing space by harmonizing the segmented feeling, and we separated the sections of the staff zone and the display zone based on the difference in ceiling materials.


We were intended to create an achromatic and restrained atmosphere so that colorful clothing products stand out. Although limited in color, we wanted to convey a visually modern image using materials of various textures such as stainless steel, aluminum, stone, and glass.


The existing pillar were not functional and occupied a large area in a small store. We constructed this as a tube-shaped counter, and we represented it as a prominent object using a terra-cotta finish with a rough texture of granite. This is intended to raise the profile among many clothing stores.


Unlike general stores, due to the nature of Dongdaemun Shopping Mall, which has a long operation time at night, lighting design excluding natural lighting was necessary. Aluminium blinds were used during the day to protect clothes and open at night to make them a store that attracts attention with futuristic concept linear lights and barrisol lights. We wanted to create an eye-catching space tailored to the characteristics of the site and special operations.





ⓒ Seeun Park




어니언 스튜디오는 MZ세대를 타겟으로 유니크한 스트릿룩을 제안하는 의류 편집샵입니다. 한국의 패션 중심지인 동대문의 대형 쇼핑몰에 위치한 매장으로 여러 특수한 사항들을 고려해 설계를 진행하였습니다.

기존의 공간은 천장고의 단차가 있으며 매장의 절반을 차지하는 디스플레이 존은 천장까지 이어진 유리 소재의 벽체로 분절된 느낌을 주었습니다. 또한 외부와 내부 모두에서 고객 유입이 가능한 매장으로 우리는 이러한 기존 공간의 분절된 느낌을 조화롭게 표현하면서 기능적으로는 분리하고자 했으며, 천장 소재의 차이를 기준으로 스탭존과 디스플레이존의 섹션을 분리하였습니다.

다채로운 컬러의 의류 제품이 돋보이도록 무채색의 절제된 분위기를 연출했습니다. 컬러를 제한하되 스테인리스 스틸, 알류미늄, 석재, 유리 등 다양한 질감의 소재를 사용하여 시각적으로 풍부하며 현대적인 이미지를 전달하고자 했습니다.

15m²의 매장에 많은 면적을 차지하고 있어 단점이 될 수 있는 요소인 1000Ø의 기둥은 튜브 형태의 카운터로 활용하였습니다. 화강석의 거친 질감을 가진 테라코타 마감재를 사용하여 조형물로 보여지도록 했으며 많은 의류 매장 사이에서 주목도를 높이는 것을 의도했습니다. 

일반적인 매장과 달리 밤에 운영하는 시간이 긴 동대문 쇼핑몰의 특성상 자연채광을 배제한 조명 설계가 필요했습니다. 알류미늄 블라인드는 낮에 사용하여 옷을 보호하고 밤에는 오픈하여 미래적인 컨셉의 라인등과 바리솔 조명으로 공간에 시선이 향하도록 했습니다. 주인공인 옷에 집중할 수 있으며 사이트의 특성과 특수한 운영에 맞춘 주목도 높은 공간을 만들고자 했습니다. 





ⓒ Seeun Park



ⓒ Seeun Park



ⓒ Seeun Park



ⓒ Seeun Park



ⓒ Seeun Park



ⓒ Seeun Park



ⓒ Seeun Park



ⓒ Seeun Park



floor plan



Location : 23 DWP, 1F, Majang-ro 1-ga-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul
Site area : 15㎡
Completion : 2023
Photographer : Seeun Park

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마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
