The letter from Xiamen
“For an architect, as the construction of a building is completed, it is almost the same mood of put a letter into mailbox, you write it for quite a long time. Who will read this letter? What’s the expectation of the reader for opening the envelope? Will the reader feel happy or not? Will it be kept kindly or thrown away directly? Architecture for us is like the word for a writer, just a way of expression, the way we are good at. This is not only about expressing, the more important side is the people who will stay in the building, and the feeling of theirs for staying in the space we created.”
In the beginning of the year 2011, we came to here the site of hotel WIND, as soon as we climbed to the top of Yunding Mountain behind the site, a local guy went with us said an idiom to explain the local geological features, “green welled out from thousands of stones”. Because of the unique warm and moist weather in south of Fujian, the green vegetation overgrowth is quite normal here, even the surface of stones and the gap in between them. This is also where our concept came from, architectural boxes “growing” from the mountain, facing to the sea, boundless and endless.
The other architectural inspiration is the traditional inform of ancestral temple in south of Fujian, as the center of the family’s culture and communication, ancestral temple features both spiritual and material function, and all the other houses in this village should be built face to the ancestral temple, this kind of traditional centripetal space, shows a kind of space understanding on public and private for residential buildings. From this point of view, hotel is very similar to a small village, guests may do not have communications, but you can experience the interaction between the public space and the private suites.
We installed 3 different wells for hotel WIND: well of rain, well of tree and well of wind, these 3 architectural installations insert into the building from the roof top, pass by some suites, and meet in the lobby finally. We tried to introduce the exterior into the interior and blur the boundaries of public and private by means of these viewable installations, and form a space that can be flowing infinitely.
After the geography and culture, let’s get back to people, the users of the buildings. During the process of design, we were always thinking what kind of comfortable staying in hotel WIND is since most of the high end hotels can make it already. Besides the fancy basic facilities, boutique hotels should focus on the real need of the guests mentally. So during each time of the discussion with our client, the most frequent hypothesis is “if you live in…”
For this unique interior comfort, we took care of the windows in suites architecturally first. Since each suite has the different views, we cannot treat the location and the size of the windows normally, we defined them as the “finder frame” of the suites, and hopefully can get the best view for different suites like a professional photographer. So there are almost no same windows of views in each room, every window is an unique “postcard” left by architects of hotel WIND.
Regarding the material solution, we preferred to have different layers of the space for each of the room, by means of using different materials for different programs. We took the high quality teak wood as principal material for the suites, not only considered by sense of sight and touch, the natural smell of the wood can give more cozy feeling for the guests inside.
- The restaurant of hotel WIND as the most important public space was set up on the rooftop of the main bldg. As received this letter, hope you can experience the WIND and the design gradually; and hotel WIND for us is an endless project…
호텔 WIND는 작은 마을같이 조성된 곳으로, 투숙객이 직접 소통하지 않아도 공용 공간과 개인 객실 사이의 공간적 상호 작용을 경험할 수 있는 곳이다.
WIND 호텔에는 3개의 다른 중정이 있다. 비의 중정, 나무의 중정, 바람의 중정. 이 3개의 중정은 옥상에서 건물로 삽입되고, 일부 객실을 지나서 결국 로비에서 만난다. 이런 공간들은 외부를 내부로 끌어들이며 공적인 것과 사적인 것의 경계를 허물고, 무한히 흐를 수 있는 공간이 된다. 이 독특한 실내 편안함을 위해 우리는 건축학적으로 먼저 객실의 창문에 신경을 썼다. 객실마다 뷰가 달라 창의 위치와 크기가 고정되어 있지 않다. 마치 창문은 객실의 ‘카메라 렌즈’처럼, 서로 다른 객실에서 최상의 뷰를 얻을 수 있길 바라는 건축가의 의도가 담겨있다. 재료 솔루션과 관련하여 서로 다른 프로그램에 서로 다른 재료를 사용하여 방마다 공간의 레이어를 다르게 표현되어 있다. 건축가는 고급 티크 목재를 객실의 주요 소재로 사용하여 시각적인 감각과 촉각을 고려했을 뿐만 아니라 나무의 자연스러운 향이 실내에 있는 손님들에게 더 아늑한 느낌을 주도록 설계했다. 가장 중요한 공공 공간인 호텔의 레스토랑은 본관 옥상에 마련됐다.
“건축가에게 있어 건물이 완공되면 오랜 시간 동안 쓴 편지를 우체통에 넣는 것과 거의 같은 기분이 든다. 누가 이 편지를 읽을까? 봉투를 열었을 때 편지를 받는 사람은 무엇을 기대할까? 편지를 받는 사람은 행복할 것인가, 아니면 그렇지 않을 것인가? 편지가 잘 보관 될 것인가, 아니면 바로 버려질까? 우리에게 건축은 작가의 말과 같이 우리가 잘하는 표현 방식일 뿐이다. 이는 단순히 표현하는 것이 아니라 누가 건물에 머물게 될 것인지, 우리가 만든 공간에서 그들이 느끼는 감정이 무엇일지가 더 중요하다. 이 편지를 받으며 점차적으로 디자인을 경험할 수 있기를 바란다.”
Architects TEAM_BLDG
Location Xiamen, Fujian, China
Program Hotel
Built area 5,100㎡
Design period 2013. 1 - 10
Construction period 2013. 10 - 2014. 5
Project architect Xiao Lei, Wang Jin
Collaborator Zhang Tao, Balance Design, Chens’ Constructing
Photographer Nacasa & Partners
해당 프로젝트는 건축문화 2022년 3월호(Vol. 490)에 게재되었습니다.
The project was published in the March, 2022 recent projects of the magazine(Vol. 490).
March 2022 : vol. 490
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