Black & Milk is a coffee shop in one of seven containers at the "7th warehouse" in the center of Kharkiv. Area 18m², 7 seats.
In the process of developing the concept, we parsed the name of the cafe into three separate elements, which filled it with metaphorical meaning. "Black" is black. Black as a business suit, the color of pragmatic, business and professional. "Milk" is something from childhood, playful and takes different forms. "&" is a connecting element, a bridge between professional "Black" and smooth "Milk".
We have painted different layouts on the glass with a pipette filled with milk. One of the sketches we chose together with our customers and finalized it. Realizing the idea of a table that is inspired and drawn by milk & working stainless steel professional surface.
Thanks to the design with smooth lines, you can use the space in different ways: sit by the window, sit opposite each other, work at the computer or stay with the company, taking up most of the landing. Dominant in the space is a large table with smooth shapes and holes for living green plants. The area for issuing and receiving orders is made of metal. The cylindrical show-window is built in a table-top, and the wall equipment is made of stainless steel. Along the perimeter of the wall is a mirror, the size and height of which are selected specifically to deprive visitors of the opportunity to be photographed in full length: anti photo manifesto :) IKEA MARIUS stools, round in shape with holes, resonate with the design with a white round table. For such a small area, every node, joint and detail matters.
The most difficult stage of construction was the implementation of the connection of the ceiling to the wall, as this material is not intended for interior work due to the uneven edge of the trim. This joint was reworked three times until a solution was found: a stretch ceiling with a shadow seam 1.5 cm wide, which enters the profile sheet and its end is not visible. The profile sheet on the walls is joined at the inner bend and glued to the guides, which allowed to get rid of rivets. And as a result - a clean surface and only one hole for the speaker, just above the ficus.
Black & Milk Coffee Bar는 우크라이나의 하르키우 중심부에 있는 "7차 창고"에 있는 7개의 컨테이너 중 하나에 있는 면적 18m², 7석의 작은 커피숍이다.
개념을 발전시키는 과정에서 커피숍 이름인 Black & Milk를 은유적 의미로 채운 세 개의 요소로 분석했다. "Black"은 실용적이고 비즈니스적, 전문성을 가진 색상을 의미하고, "Milk"는 어린 시절의 장난스럽고 순수함 등의 다양한 의미를 가진다. "&"는 전문적인 "Black"과 부드러운 "Milk"를 잇는 연결 요소다. 작업 영역은 스테인리스 스틸로 만들어져 엄격한 느낌인 반면 우유를 디자인 요소로 사용해 장난기 있는 느낌을 준다.
계획 및 구역 설정
부드러운 라인의 디자인 덕분에 공간을 다양한 방식으로 사용할 수 있다. 창가에 앉거나, 서로 마주보고 앉거나, 컴퓨터 작업을 할 수 있다. 공간을 차지하는 것은 녹색 식물을 위한 매끄러운 모양의 구멍이 있는 큰 테이블이다. 주문을 받는 공간은 금속으로 되어 있다. 원형 쇼윈도는 탁상형으로 제작되었으며 벽면 설비는 스테인리스 스틸로 제작되었다. 벽의 둘레를 따라 거울이 있으며, 그 크기와 높이는 방문자가 전체 길이로 사진을 찍지 못하게 하기 위해 특별히 선택됐다. 구멍이 있는 원형 IKEA MARIUS 스툴은 흰색 원형 테이블과 조화를 이룬다.
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Architects Ponomarenko Bureau
Location Kharkiv, Ukraine
Building area 18㎡
Principal architect Volodymyr Ponomarenko
Completion 2020
Photographer Ivan Avdeenko photography
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