©ZhuYumeng, SHL, Perkins&Will - BPAC


China has opened a new performing arts complex in Tongzhou, a historic port on the Grand Canal and the eastern gateway to Beijing. Designed by Perkins&Will’s and Schmidt Hammer Lassen’s combined Shanghai studio, the Beijing Performing Arts Centre anchors Tongzhou’s recently designated cultural district, a collection of major civic projects that also includes a museum, a library, and extensive parklands. Consisting of three world-class venues—an opera house, a theater, and a concert hall—as well as a multipurpose hall and an outdoor stage, the Beijing Performing Arts Centre will host hundreds of performances each year—everything from traditional Chinese and Western operas to orchestral performances, stage dramas, and dances.


Designed to cultivate community while promoting the health and well-being of visitors and the environment, the project embodies the site’s storied history and its bright future in a subtle poetic expression. Conceived as lanterns for the performing arts, the buildings recall Tongzhou’s importance as a commercial shipping and storage hub by referencing the rooflines of the storehouses that formerly lined the canal’s banks and the sails of traditional canal boats. The forms simultaneously evoke a theater curtain parting at the beginning of a performance. A broad plinth, accessed from all directions by splayed steps and ramps, unifies the complex. This elevated platform extends the buildings’ lobbies into the surrounding forested park, setting up the relationship between the interiors, the landscape, and the Grand Canal.


The design team incorporated sustainable features throughout the project that promote human and ecosystem health, earning the project a China Three Star rating for environmental performance. The high-performance building envelope, which is shaded by a perforated aluminum screen, conserves 20% more energy than required by local code. The buildings plug into a district energy system that is primarily powered by ground-source heat pumps, achieving a 60% renewable energy use rate. The HVAC system’s filtration system combined with carbon dioxide sensors in public areas ensure high indoor air quality. Low-flow fixtures conserve water throughout the buildings.


©ZhuYumeng, SHL, Perkins&Will - BPAC
©ZhuYumeng, SHL, Perkins&Will - BPAC
©ZhuYumeng, SHL, Perkins&Will - BPAC



©ZhuYumeng, SHL, Perkins&Will - BPAC
site plan
ground floor plan
second floor plan
third floor plan


건축가 Schmidt Hammer Lassen, Perkins&Will

대표건축가 Chris Hardie, Rong Lu, Chao Chen

디자인팀  Simon Persson, Steven Yingnien Chen, Anna Nilson, Tim Kunkel, Han Lin, Bartek Winnicki, Li Wen, Chencheng Li, Xiaoshu He, Fangzhou Zhu, Trushit Vyas, Thomas Grannells, Lukasz Trucahlski

위치  China, Beijing, Tongzhou

대지면적 122,398
연면적  125,350㎡ (지상층 면적 82,700㎡, 지하층 면적 42,650㎡)

준공 2023. 10.

구조 Beijing Investment Group Co., Ltd

조명디자인 Gala Lighting Design Studio

인테리어 디자인 BIAD Decoration Engineering & Design Co., Ltd

조경디자인 Beijing Yuanben Shanchuan Technology Co., Ltd

사진작가 Zhu Yumeng

클라이언트 China National Centre for the Performing Arts

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마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
