



The large-scale migration of the city's metabolism and the population has made people have to abandon their love for a certain land.Strong love.

——Noboru Kawazoe《The Death of Architecture》


[Paper Space] is one of the space installation works of THE FIRST ORIGINS EARTH ART FESTIVAL-2024 XIAN CONTEMPORARY DESIGN WEEK. And in July of the same year,it participate in SHIWAN CHINA CITY PUBLIC ART SEASON .


The work is inspired by the designer's life experiences in recent years. He has traveled to many places including Taipei, Shanghai and Beijing, which made him pay attention to the proposition of "hometown". Hometown does not specifically refer to the countryside, but a spiritual deficiency that is common among modern people.


Among the "hometown" and the "city" of excessive dredging, the world gradually collapses completely. At the end of the novel 《Three Body》, the singer civilization released a Dual Vector Foil on the edge of the solar system.The solar system collapsed into a two -dimensional giant painting.So, starting from the end, starting from a piece of paper.

The design is based on the "paper" as the carrier. By cutting and folding, it converts it from a two - dimensional plane to a three - dimensional space.Its abstract perception has a great contrast with the city market scene where the venue is located, intending to provide audiences with a space experience beyond daily.


The space scale is from Le Cabanon, where Le Corbusier  lives in his later years, and the space of 3.66m*3.66m*2.26m is an important case for discussing the limit living standard.


ⓒLe Cabanon室内空间


During the folding process, the meaning of the inside and outside means repeatedly discussed, and the space generated inwardly is the epitome of the urban residence. The doors, windows, tables and chairs, beds, and almost the most closed residences in the city.

After flipping outward, the fission and copying of the dwellings have become a cluster of a collection of tens of millions of cities. At this time, the compressed "indoor" appeared at this time, which became a small soil with continuous entropy increases.


The definition of inside and outside is mainly implemented by the formation of the scene. The outward ceilings and the ground are enclosed in the "indoor" space.The coat hooks and other components that are commonly indoor are emphasized.




The built-in landscape is filled by reeds and pine bark, which is different from the exterior sensory sense. It truly shows the delicate natural scenes. Enter it. The soft footprint and sunlight, breeze, and bird sounds are brought to the immersive experience.




Cutting and folding form multiple caves of different sizes, heights and forms, showing multiple perspectives of the interior scene, from bottom to top, the earth, reeds, trees, sky, form a dream -like frame.






The construction process is combined with the prefabrication of the factory and on - site. The main body of the 2mm thick steel plate is selected. The thin steel plate blurred the structure of the  device itself, and hidden all nodes and structures to achieve a thin and thin effect of paper.




Although the perception is thin, through structural calculation, the external beds and tables and chairs can withstand the weight of the maximum 150kg, which is enough to achieve an interactive experience with the audience.




From 1990 to 2023, the urbanization rate in China reached 66.16%from 26.23%. A large number of young people who left their hometowns entered the city to become "exiles". The ideal public space we wore actually looked for their own ownership for these "exiles."At this point, the public space should be separated from the attributes of "rights of rights" and returns to the daily life of the public. It should use group behavior as the spirit of the venue spirit, and bond the fragmented nature, community, and streets.Then, the public life and collective memory of them are the way to avoid people's inner exile, which also makes the "city" finally become "home".


ⓒ 即时设计研究所
ⓒ 即时设计研究所
ⓒ 即时设计研究所



대표건축가 Zhou Xiaofu

예술감독 Shine Fu 

예술팀 Hou Runhua, Dong Rubin, He Qinghao

디자인팀 Immediacy Design and Research Office (IM Design)

위치 Xi'an Original Point New City
연면적  29.8㎡

준공  April 2024

구조유닛 Maison Sculptures 

재료 stainless steel, reed, pine bark

사진작가 Kevin, Zhou Xiaofu, Shine Fu 

'Architecture Project > Other' 카테고리의 다른 글

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The Juicy Booth  (0) 2024.10.16
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Tongxiang MixC Commercial Landscape Design  (0) 2024.09.26

마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
