© Zhu Yumeng

In late 2022, the independent  bookstore Jetlag Books, based in Beijing, approached us with a collaboration opportunity with the Swire Group. Their vision was to create a "new generation urban newsstand" in Sanlitun North, a temporary public cultural project blending community engagement with the charm of an independent bookstore, aiming to reintegrate reading into daily life. We were invited to design this temporary structure, intending to infuse emotion and reflection into the bustling urban environment.


"Every journey is a spiritual cleanse."



1.Time Train

Nestled between two rows of locust trees in the Taikoo district of Sanlitun, Day and Night Park resemble a train car segment. This linear space forms a sandwich structure with street views on one side and commercial surroundings on the other.


The Venus Belt, also known as the Belt of Venus, is an atmospheric phenomenon visible shortly before sunrise and after sunset, characterized by a pinkish glow that changes intensity over time.


The primary color palette of Day and Night Park draws from a moment within the Venus Belt, with walls in a rose-red hue and a deep yellow ceiling. As the day progresses, the colors shift with the sunlight, merging into a gradient effect by dusk. The streets and sky simultaneously showcase the Venus Belt, creating a captivating visual experience.


Utilizing the intense hues of sunset and the dappled shadows of the surrounding trees, the translucent panels diffuse light, creating a misty and dreamlike atmosphere. Travel memories often blend with natural scenery, and the interplay of light and shadow at dawn and dusk evokes these vivid recollections, transporting visitors to cherished moments.


Jetlag, meaning "time difference," signifies a journey through the diverse world of books and magazines. This small independent bookstore encapsulates global insights, beauty, and creativity, offering readers a chance to travel through literature. The interplay between the newsstand's interior and exterior is dynamic, as sunlight filters through the gaps in the canopy, transforming the static structure into an interactive ecological space. Similar to experiencing different time zones during a flight, the changing skies reflect the essence of Jetlag Books' travel theme.


The newsstand measures 20.6 meters in length and 2.7 meters in width, inspired by the proportions of an airplane cabin. The ceiling height increases gradually from 2.15 meters to 3.4 meters, while the walls slightly rotate three degrees, creating a sense of spatial transformation. The highest point is open, inviting passersby, while the lower end extends into a public area for rest and relaxation.


Another element that evokes travel memories is the bookshelf. Placing luggage on an overhead rack is an uncommon action in daily life. We designed the top shelf to be slightly inclined, so the act of retrieving a book reminds visitors of their travel experiences.


2. Pocket Park 

In addition to the open ends, the newsstand features side panels that open like wings, creating shaded semi-outdoor spaces akin to umbrellas. These connected umbrellas form a small park, transforming the commercial street into a public cultural space. Inspired by Paley Park, the first pocket park in history, Day and Night Park offers a simple, targeted function. Comprising the newsstand, a coffee bar, and outdoor greenery, its space extends beyond the interior, welcoming visitors to utilize the surrounding area as well.


The newsstand features a steel structure with translucent panels, and the bookshelves are interwoven with handmade hemp ropes, inspired by the use of this humble material for protecting trees in winter. This detail adds a human touch to the space, allowing visitors to interact with the familiar yet often overlooked material while retrieving books.


3. Small but Mighty

As a firm established in 2018, it may seem like we have missed the prime time of the real estate boom. However, our collaboration with the independent bookstore Jetlag Books has taught us a lot from this challenging sector, particularly the even more challenging realm of bookstores. We strive to integrate more values, aesthetics, and emotions to push beyond existing boundaries and create more engaging spatial experiences. By leveraging small-scale commercial projects, we aim to awaken the beauty in everyday life. Our design process emphasizes interaction with nature and the community, as well as the use of warm materials and craftsmanship. This time, we achieve greatness through small-scale efforts.


© 高凡
© 高凡
© Zhu Yumeng
© Zhu Yumeng
© Zhu Yumeng
© Zhu Yumeng
© Zhu Yumeng
interior concept

건축가 CATS

대표건축가 Wenxin Huang ,Shengze Chen 

디자인팀 Xueli Chen, Lingyu Liu, Cheng Luo ,Keyan LI, Yigao Liu, Qijia Liu

클라이언트 Jetlag Books

위치 Beijing
면적 50

준공년도  2024
사진작가 Yumeng Zhu, Fan Gao

'Architecture Project > Commercial' 카테고리의 다른 글

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마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
