ⓒDirk Weiblen
ⓒDirk Weiblen
ⓒDirk Weiblen

Located an hour's drive south of Chengdu, near the picturesque natural lake network, our design brief called for a full-scale resort with iconic architecture to create a landmark destination on the lake. The challenge was to design an experience that celebrates the building's grandeur and its breathtaking views while ensuring an intimate guest experience. Additionally, we sought to create a journey with practical, interesting, and localized connections.


Our architectural concept drew inspiration from the nearby Linpan villages, known for their informal volume placement, green yards, fields, and forests, creating organically grown ecosystems where buildings and nature are in harmony. Similarly, we organized the resort with gardens surrounding the guest room volumes, connected by a covered walkway. Through various building configurations, we realized these connections could become integral to the architecture.


ⓒDirk Weiblen
ⓒDirk Weiblen
ⓒDirk Weiblen

The idea evolved that the main lobby could organically emerge from these walkways, becoming the heart of the resort. The building features a high, vertical entrance that transitions into a low, curved panoramic structure, celebrating the lake's arrival views.


We designed the roof of the main volume and walkways as a wooden structure, linking it to traditional wooden architecture, boat-like shapes, and sustainability goals. The result is a warm, biophilic, rhythmic spine-like structure guiding visitors through the resort.


ⓒDirk Weiblen
ⓒDirk Weiblen
ⓒDirk Weiblen
ⓒDirk Weiblen

These walkways keep guests dry and shielded from the sun. At times, they are wide and flat, almost touching the earth, creating an intimate scale, with views closed on one side and open to gardens on the other. As the walkways approach the guest buildings, the spinal roof structures dramatically open up to light and green courtyard gardens.


This dramatic interplay of compression and opening creates a unique and strong architectural experience, dynamically balancing architecture, nature, and people.


We extend our gratitude to our clients, CREC, for entrusting us with their grand vision, to Club Med for their support, and to the AIM team for their exceptional work. Special thanks to Vincent Zhou for co-creating this concept vision and Emilio Wang for developing and overseeing its construction.


Ground Floor Plan



위치  쓰촨성, 중국
용도  호텔
총면적  55,017.54 ㎡
준공  2024
디자인 책임자  Wendy SaundersVincent de Graaf
스튜디오 디렉터  Yvonne Lym, Lisa Yan
대표 건축가  Vincent Zhou, DongDong Li 
디자인팀  Emilio Wang Chen, Kangjin, Steve Do, Laile Li, Ren Yang Tan, George Mocea, Bozhena Hoida
사진작가  Dirk Weiblen

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마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
