©Oleh Kardash


The architecture and interior design studio Viruta Lab marks one of its most special projects with the opening of a new psychology center in downtown Valencia. A space meant to exude the calmness of a home so that patients can feel at ease. A sanctuary for the mind, heart and soul; a relaxed and barrier-free environment where individuals can feel free to share their troubles. 

Under the creative direction of architect María Daroz and architect and interior designer David Puerta, Viruta Lab has orchestrated a symphony of shapes, textures and emotions to materialize a sanctuary where worries fade away and people find peace. Inspired by Plato's allegory of the winged chariot, the concept of the space is a dance of contrasts, where the dichotomy of the human soul is palpable in every corner. 

A black-and-white frieze, like a canvas where destinies intertwine, runs perimetrically throughout the space, dividing it visually into two parts and reserving most of it for the earthly realm, for overcoming problems and the challenging journey proposed by Plato represented in the black horse. This architectural element speaks of that balance between opposites, where a subtle line delineates the darkness from the light. The color palette on the ceiling plays with two shades of blue, creating a sense of depth in the space. On the other hand, the dark carpet covering the floor imbues the space with calmness and warmth and acts as an anchor to the mundane and earthly. In certain areas, the carpet extends in the form of a baseboard, creating fluid transitions. 

The project's layout revolves around a central space designated for the waiting room, from which the different consultation rooms are accessed through a narrow corridor. This distribution presents various irregularities, which are geometrically corrected to regularize the rooms through a large wooden box, housing installations, structure, storage as per the program, as well as the kitchen and toilets. The wood used is marine plywood lacquered in a clear matte finish, with modulated fronts to create a rhythm of vertical perforations that, on one hand, promote ventilation and, on the other hand, solve the door opening system while maintaining a coherent aesthetic. 

The chosen materiality is an ode to the search for beauty in imperfection. Thus, the studio values the irregularities of space with walls plastered with mortar grooved with a toothed trowel manually; a living material, shaped by human hands, that seeks beauty in diversity and disproportion in every detail. The interior design revolves around its own aesthetic language, where grooved mortar becomes the guiding thread that stitches every corner of the space, expressing the human incongruities and singularities harmoniously and poetically. 


Moreover, Viruta Lab has opted for deliberate imperfection, using blue tones paints to create depth and individual porcelain plaques in beige and black to regularize the project's height. Perforated marine wood and dark carpet on the floor add warmth and calmness to the space, while the lighting program proposes a play of indirect light to elevate the feeling of intimacy and comfort. 

The furniture has been custom designed by Viruta Lab. Tables, benches and shelves speak of the imperfection of the material. Raw finishes, rough elds and sturdy structures to bring coherence to the aesthetic language. Additionally, the studio has also created ad hoc textiles dressing the space such as curtains and cushions. Each element has been carefully considered to contribute to the cozy atmosphere of the center and create a space that is not only functional but also inspiring and reassuring. 



©Oleh Kardash
©Oleh Kardash
©Oleh Kardash
©Oleh Kardash
©Oleh Kardash
©Oleh Kardash
©Oleh Kardash
©Oleh Kardash
©Oleh Kardash


건축가  Viruta Lab
위치  Ventura Feliu Passage, 15, Valencia
용도  Clinic
연면적  145 m²
준공  2024
대표건축가  Maria Daroz & David Puerta
아트 디렉션  Viruta Lab 
사진작가  Oleh Kardash

'Interior Project > Healthcare' 카테고리의 다른 글

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마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
