ⓒMarcus Stork
ⓒMarcus Stork

Forskaren is a life science building in the new Hagastaden neighbourhood in Stockholm, Sweden. Here, the ambition is to create one of the world's leading ecosystems within the sciences. Forskaren is the heart of the area, bringing together industry, research, academia and the public under one roof. With its soft form and warm materiality, the circular building is designed for collaboration and activities to unfold in and around the building.


Forskaren steps out towards its surroundings as it rises in height. This creates an inviting urban space at street level, while the interior forms around an atrium that correspondingly opens up as the floors shift.


ⓒMarcus Stork
ⓒMarcus Stork

To encourage interaction, the building's office spaces are positioned along the façade, while social and informal workspaces are concentrated on the balconies of the atrium. Like the façade, the balconies are stepped, providing visual contact between all floors and allowing users to follow and participate in activities throughout the building. Here, the centrally located spiral staircase facilitates unplanned interaction by allowing people to circulate around the building.


On each floor, there are also outdoor balconies evenly distributed across the floors, moving from floor to floor in a rotating motion, as well as a large roof terrace for recreation that is accessible to all users.


ⓒMarcus Stork
ⓒMarcus Stork
ⓒMarcus Stork

Both the interior and exterior of the building are clad in wood, which creates a warm and pleasant environment to be in and to look at. Forskaren’s visual expression and round shape makes it a natural meeting point.


At street level, the public is invited inside the multipurpose ground floor, which is the social heart of the building. Here, visitors can explore an interactive exhibition from the National Museum of Science and Technology as well as experience the 12-metre-high light art piece ‘The Veins of Life’ hanging in the atrium.


The ground floor also houses two restaurants from which life and activity can spread out into the otherwise densely built area of Hagastaden.


Site Plan
Floor Plan 01
Floor Plan 02
Roof Floor Plan



건축가  3XN
위치  하갈룬드, 스웨덴
용도  연구센터
연면적  24000 m²
준공  2024

대표건축가  Jan Ammundsen, Marie Hesseldahl 
사진작가  Marcus Stork

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마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
