ⓒShikai (INUCE)


Julong is a new town off the 7-million-city of Quanzhou. Since opening its population has grown, attracting people from the entire country. Today, it is home to a community of Protestants. For years they met in a shop front. With services packed, they decided to build a church for 1000 attendees. Nestled at the foot of a green mountain, the site allows to create a landmark for the entire town.



• Composed of believers from different denominations the young congregation was experiencing uncertainty with regards to liturgical and symbolic traditions. The new sanctuary was hoped to bridge gaps and establish unity.

• In a broader sense the congregation wished to create an inclusive symbol for a new beginning – for in this new city both Christians and non-Christians share the experience of being far from home and having to establish new bonds.

• The program was comprised of the sanctuary and of a long list of secular community spaces.


ⓒShikai (INUCE)
ⓒShikai (INUCE)

ARCHETYPAL CHURCH: Aware of the ecumenical dilemma we searched for archetypal motifs as guiding light for architectural decisions. After deep thought an elder quoted: “You are Peter, I will build my church on this rock.” His wife added: “In Julong we are all foreign. We wish to be an ark for arrivers, their haven.”


FUNCTIONALITY + ICONICITY: The church as an ark – floating above the world, anchored in the foundation of faith-an ancient idea. Moved by the imagery, alert of the task, our solution comprises two parts: The lower portion, clad in granite, resembles a terraced rock. It enables flexible subdivision, catering to secular needs. Atop rests the nave, adorned with GRC panels, evoking an abstracted ark. Its form steers clear of literality and gives a nuanced representation of the narrative.


ⓒShikai (INUCE)
ⓒShikai (INUCE)
ⓒShikai (INUCE)

PERFORMATIVITY + LITURGY: The design elicits physical and spiritual engagement. Like a pilgrimage believers ascend the terraces for worship. At the top they are embraced by the Paradise – a medieval element demarcating a church´s asylum; it prepares for the entry into the belly of the ark. Contrary to what the metaphor suggests, the sanctuary is not unworldly: upon entering, one experiences complete exposure to the mountain. Creation becomes part of liturgy, echoing the archetypal scene of congregation prior to all schism: Christ´s Sermon on the Mount.





건축가  INUCE • Dirk U. Moench
위치  취안저우 시, 중국
용도  종교시설
연면적  3000㎡
준공  2019 - 2024
대표건축가  Dr.-Ing. Dirk U. Moench
구조엔지니어  FJADI Fuzhou
사진작가  Shikai (INUCE)

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마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
