마실와이드 2024. 8. 28. 13:00

ⓒIvo Tavares Studio
ⓒIvo Tavares Studio
ⓒIvo Tavares Studio

The project is located in Quinta da Estrela which occupies a valley in Odemira, a landscape significantly altered over the last three decades. The slope surrounding the Quinta da Estrela house was removed to make way for a parking lot, isolating the building and causing structural issues due to the excavation.


The intervention and rehabilitation proposal adapts the pottery program to the building without altering the existing construction and creates an adjacent volume for the location of kilns and technical areas. The rehabilitated areas of the existing building include a store, a kitchen, a toilet, and the potter's workspace. The proposed expansion serves as a buttress to the damaged wall of the house. It is entirely made of handmade solid brick, aligning the new construction method with the craftsmanship of the potter.


ⓒIvo Tavares Studio
ⓒIvo Tavares Studio
ⓒIvo Tavares Studio
ⓒIvo Tavares Studio

The simple form of the expansion makes the brick and the clay the protagonist of this new construction, giving it an industrial character while linking the material to the earth as a memorial to the excavated hillside.


To enhance the building's relationship with its surroundings, the landscape next to the main entrance was redesigned, and two ramps were integrated to create a smoother connection between the building, the town, and Quinta da Estrela.


Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
Roof Floor Plan
Section A
Section B
Elevation A
Elevation B
Elevation C
Elevation D
Elevation E



건축가  ARDE Arquitetura+Design
위치  오데미라, 포르투갈
용도  복합문화
연면적  565 ㎡
준공  2021-2024
대표건축가  Daniel Pinho
시공  Virgílio de Sousa Leal
엔지니어링  Paulo Ferreira
Daniel Pinho
Ivo Tavares Studio