Architecture Project/Cultural


마실와이드 2024. 8. 1. 10:00

ⓒLeonardo Finotti

The Monumental Underground Museum is located in two sinkholes inside the Zipaquirá Salt Cathedral, 180 meters underground and just a few meters from the underground church. The significance of the entire Cathedral complex lies not only in its religious value but also in its heritage, cultural, environmental, and social importance.


With the intention of preserving and revitalizing the historical values of this extraordinary place, a Museum of Monumental Sculpture is proposed to restore its architectural, spatial, and symbolic qualities with an intervention that respects the authenticity of the Cathedral and the mine, as envisioned by architect Roswell Garavito Pearl in 1990.


ⓒLeonardo Finotti
ⓒLeonardo Finotti
ⓒLeonardo Finotti
ⓒLeonardo Finotti

Designed to house a series of works created by 22 sculptors from 19 globally renowned countries, who were invited to Colombia to work directly on this site, the Museum essentially aims to reconnect with the profound meaning of the Salt Cathedral and link it with the experience of contemporary art.


Occupying two contiguous sinkholes interconnected by a tunnel, the museum features bas-reliefs carved into the side walls of the chambers, an area for displaying marble sculptures, a space for temporary exhibitions, and a circular amphitheater for cultural events. Additionally, the museum is complemented by a themed café and a shop for selling artistic objects related to the museum itself.


ⓒLeonardo Finotti
ⓒLeonardo Finotti

The organic irregularity of the chambers contrasts with the precise cutting of stone, the geometric modeling of concrete, the assembly of wood, and the careful arrangement of events. The Monumental Underground Museum seeks balance between the organic forces of the subsoil and the geometric forces of the artistic and architectural creation installed at the heart of Colombia's greatest heritage site: the Salt Cathedral.





건축가  Yemail Arquitectura
위치  지파키라, 콜롬비아
용도  뮤지엄
대지면적  1,233
연면적  1,233

준공  2022.10 - 2024.04
대표건축가  Antonio Ernesto Yemail Cortés
Ricardo Ernesto Daza Caicedo, María Natalia Carrero Rojas, Jimmi Camilo Palacio Guarnizo, Oscar Fernando Parga Quevedo 
  William Mauricio Duque Corredor
시공  Estoc Ingenieria S.A.S.
사진작가  Leonardo Finotti