Architecture Project/Other

Emerald Screen Pergola

마실와이드 2024. 7. 25. 13:00

ⓒCreatAR lmages
ⓒCreatAR lmages

A wandering dragon-like Emerald Screen Pergola

Here the frailest leaves of me yet my strongest lasting.

- Walt Whitman -


In March 2024, Wutopia Lab's wandering dragon-like Emerald Screen Pergola was officially unveiled at Bogong Island Ecology Park in Wuxi, China.


The Emerald Screen Pergola is an important architectural feature in classical Chinese gardens. It is typically constructed from bamboo or wood, forming roofless corridors, pavilions, and walls. Climbing plants are then grown to eventually cover the walls and roofs. This design not only creates a visual focus that integrates nature with space but also fosters a series of cultural activities related to flowers, making it a significant cultural symbol preserved in traditional Chinese paintings. However, as a temporary structure, apart from the flower trellises, most other parts have disappeared from the remains of classical gardens.


ⓒCreatAR lmages
ⓒCreatAR lmages
ⓒCreatAR lmages

Bogong Island originally had a 1.2-kilometer-long steel trellis covered with wisteria and roses. Over time, it fell into disrepair and became unsafe, necessitating a reconstruction. Wutopia Lab used the feather-like shape of leaves as a prototype to create various combinations of wall and roof structures along the 1.2-kilometer stretch. These structures open, close, stand alone, overlap, and even disappear, redefining the previously monotonous design of the trellis corridor. The rich and vibrant interplay of light evokes the image of a Dragon Dance, hence the name "A wandering dragon-like Emerald Screen Pergola".


The corridor's structure uses round steel as its framework, and is covered with steel meshes that have been painted white for plants to climb. Before the plants climb up, it creates a mist-like visual amidst the beautiful scenery.


ⓒCreatAR lmages
ⓒCreatAR lmages

I decided to design a flower pavilion to serve as both the entrance to the corridor and the park. Similarly, I used the white feather-like steel meshes by stacking them layer by layer to create a central, roofless structure. This would be my semi-transparent Pantheon. Its completion will also mark the grand reopening of Bogong Island Ecology Park.


The current phase, featuring the white transparent Emerald Screen Pergola and the flower pavilion, marks the first stage. The second stage will see plants climbing the corridor to transform it into a green structure. In the third stage, flowers will bloom, with various colors of ivy, jasmine, roses, honeysuckle, roses, and retained wisteria blossoming in succession. Thus, this vibrant wandering dragon-like structure will come to life, seemingly ready to take flight in its natural surroundings. This represents Wutopia Lab's commitment to innovatively modernizing traditional designs using contemporary materials and forms.


This is the grass that grows wherever the land is and the water is...

- Walt Whitman -




건축가  Wutopia Lab
위치  우시, 중국
용도  파빌리온
건축면적  925 ㎡  
준공  2023 - 2024
대표건축가  YU Ting
프로젝트 건축가 
MU Zhilin
조경디자인  SHAO Jie, LI Feiran, ZHANG Licheng

조명 컨설턴트  Chloe ZHANG 
시공  Wuxi Taihu Mingzhu Ecological Restoration Co., Ltd
사진작가  CreatAR lmages