Architecture Project/Cultural

Shijiazhuang Ander Memorial Park · Cloud Mirror

마실와이드 2024. 7. 16. 15:00


The cemetery has become an important carrier connecting the emotions of the living and the dead, it’s not only a place for the dead, but a spiritual sanctuary for the living.

The design of the Cloud Mirror aims to respect traditional funeral culture while transforming the design concept of traditional cemeteries. With a focus on landscaping, artistry, and personalization, it seeks to embody a harmonious, peaceful, relaxed, and warm humanistic landscape atmosphere with a strong sense of ceremony and artistry. The emotion-free warm spaces aim to provide people with physical and mental relaxation and allow the living to heal their sorrows while offering a resting place for the deceased. The goal is to achieve a symbiotic and joyful coexistence between humans and nature.



The design of Cloud Mirror chooses neutral architectural language to shape the scene, and the star becomes the core image expressing architectural emotion.

We take the triangle in the star-shaped element to refer to the star. The triangle is the basic figure of the geometric pattern, and the equilateral triangle is the most stable structure. There are a lot of classic applications in architecture. The equilateral triangle becomes the core image embryo of the cloud mirror. Extended by the imagery of stars, the nebula, the twenty-eight constellations and the most well-known Big Dipper among them have become important carriers for constructing the cloud mirror narrative scene. 

Based on the star map of the Big Dipper and its symbolic meanings in traditional culture, the landscape nodes of the Cloud Mirror have emerged. The main entrance features a Time-Space Gate designed with the symbolism of Tianxuan (Merak), where a large circular mist gate and cloud installations on both sides create a unique artistic conception of "embracing both realms, hidden in the clouds". 

The "Tree of Life" is a giant native scholar tree (Sophora japonica) located at the center of the site. With the changing seasons, its leaves flourish and fall, symbolizing the continuous cycle of life.  

In this unique architectural practice, we aspire to use design to bring a touch of warm solace to the weighty topic of "death" and provide healing to those who have experienced the loss of loved ones. We hope that the cemetery can be appreciated and cherished as another form of life, giving this ancient commemorative place ecological healing, emotional functions and artistic value, reflecting the humanistic and practical value of modern cemeteries.




건축가 Archermit
위치 중국, 허베이, 스자좡
대지면적 15,000㎡
건축면적 2,219 ㎡
설계기간 2021. 10. - 2022. 1.
시공기간 2022. 2. - 2023. 1.
준공 2023. 1.
대표건축가 Youcai Pan
프로젝트건축가 Zhe Yang, Renzhen Chen
디자인팀 Yaxian Zhao, Qinmei Hu, Rui Yang, Yuanjun Gou, Yuting Huang, Zixuan Liu, Zhiying Song, Yutao Feng
구조엔지니어 Xu Du
시공 Hangzhou Zhejing Architectural Planning and Design Co., Ltd. (Hebei Branch)
건축주 Shijiazhuang Ande Cemetery Management Co., Ltd.
사진작가 Arch-Exist