Interior Project/Office

Oficina zooco santander

마실와이드 2023. 3. 22. 16:30

ⓒ Imagen Subliminal



The place is located in a corner and it has two facades with a strong rhythm of windows with a semicircular top shape. This gives the space a great personality. These elements are so strong that it is going to be the leitmotiv of the local morphology itself. To solve the functional needs, the rounded arch is used as the only geometry, giving continuity and enhancing the pre-existing spatial language. In a completely diaphanous place, two elements are inserted in a way that organize the space to adapt it to the needs. The first of these elements contains all the services (toilet, office-kitchen, room for facilities and storage), while the other defines the two existing meeting areas, independent of each other, but visually connected. The rest of the space is conceived as a common room where work areas, relax and relationship are mixed. It is the distribution of the furniture itself, which establishes the circulations and stays, generating a flexible space that allows multiple configurations. The natural oak material is present in the holes of the arches and the floor. This material turns paramount due to the absence of color of the rest of the furniture and furnishings, creating a pleasant feeling of harmony.



ⓒ Imagen Subliminal



반원형 모양의 리듬감있는 입구의 형태가 공간의 개성을 부여한다. 이 요소는 시각적으로 부각되어 공간의 중요한 방식으로 작용될 것이며, 기능적인 부분을 해결하기 위해 둥근 아치를 기하학으로 사용하여 연속성을 부여하고 기존 공간의 소통방식을 활성화하게 유도한다. 필요에 따라 칸막이가 있는 곳은 공간을 유동적으로 구성하는 방식으로 두 개의 요소가 삽입된다. 첫 번째 요소는 모든 서비스(화장실, 사무실 주방, 시설 및 보관공간)를 포함하며, 다른 요소는 서로 독립적이지만 시각적으로 연결된 두 개의 회의실을 정의한다. 나머지 공간은 작업영역과 휴식, 여럿이 함께 사용할 수 있는 공동의 방으로 구성되어 유연한 공간을 생성한다. 공간의 아치와 바닥은 참나무 마감으로, 이 소재는 가구와 공간의 전체적인 톤에 조화로운 느낌을 준다.


ⓒ Imagen Subliminal



ⓒ Imagen Subliminal



ⓒ Imagen Subliminal



ⓒ Imagen Subliminal



ⓒ Imagen Subliminal



ⓒ Imagen Subliminal



ⓒ Imagen Subliminal



3D plan



Completion : 2019
Photographer : Imagen Subliminal