ⓒNelson Kon and Guilherme Pucci
ⓒNelson Kon and Guilherme Pucci

The building, which measures approximately 3,850 square meters, features a U-shaped structure that encircles a century-old mango tree in the center of the plot. Preserving this tree was one of the main challenges and guided the architectural design, which directs all environments towards it. At the base of the mango tree is the central courtyard, intended for student contemplation and interaction with nature.


During research related to architectures aimed at Waldorf pedagogical institutions, the office observed an emphasis on manual work and wood as essential materials for the project's identity. However, due to the relatively small size of the plot, steel was chosen as the building's structural solution because of its capacity to span large distances and avoid creating pillars on the ground floor, designed to be inviting with minimal interference.


Thus, wood was used in two distinct ways. First, literally, through an engineered wood structure fixed to the slab system, serving as support for the joinery facing the internal courtyard and converting into fixed furniture for students inside the building.


ⓒNelson Kon and Guilherme Pucci
ⓒNelson Kon and Guilherme Pucci
ⓒNelson Kon and Guilherme Pucci

Second, symbolically, with the visual application of the organic patterns of wood seen on a microscopic scale on the metallic surfaces of the cladding and shading devices. "It's a reference to wood without using the material, " highlights architect Mario Biselli, managing partner of Biselli Katchborian.


The headquarters' program is distributed between the ground floor and two levels, each with six classrooms. The spaces intended for the institution's pedagogical activities were designed flexibly, allowing for reorganization according to needs and ensuring greater freedom of use for users. This flexibility also extends to the circulation between floors, structured to foster moments of meeting and socializing.


ⓒNelson Kon and Guilherme Pucci
ⓒNelson Kon and Guilherme Pucci
ⓒNelson Kon and Guilherme Pucci
ⓒNelson Kon and Guilherme Pucci

A rooftop terrace on the second floor was implemented for relaxation moments between students and teachers. Open, the space offers a privileged view of the surroundings and furniture that prioritizes outdoor comfort. "It was one of the coolest projects where we placed our outdoor furniture. The Patio line, with its semi-open aesthetic, light and flexible furniture, creates a very interesting scene with the architectural concept, interacting with the grids, flooring, and metal plates of the facade, " reveals José Machado, partner at Novidário, the company responsible for the headquarters' furniture.


To connect the floors externally, two glass-enclosed panoramic elevators were installed in the central courtyard, offering views of the mango tree and the surroundings of the headquarters. On the rooftop, a suspended block was implemented to house administrative uses, and the library was installed in the highest position of the building, like a lighthouse, as an allegory of the importance and commitment to the pursuit of knowledge.


Floor Plan



건축가  Biselli Katchborian Arquitetos
위치  상파울루, 브라질
용도  교육시설
대지면적  919.77 m²
연면적  3,850.00 m² 

준공  2020 - 2024 
대표건축가  Biselli Katchborian & Artur Katchborian
디자인 팀  Carla Gotardello (coordination), Andre Biselli Sauaia, Victor Piza, Maurício Addor, Hugo Rossini, Giuliano Chimentão
인테리어 디자인  Pitá
조경 디자인  Sérgio Lessa - SLH Arquitetos Associados
가구  Novidário
시공  Engemon  

Nelson Kon and Guilherme Pucci

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마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
