ⓒAdrià Goula

La Marina del Prat Vermell is a historic area in Barcelona, renowned for its mid-nineteenth century textile colonies situated near Montjuic Mountain and the sea. The neighborhood's name, "Marina del Prat Vermell" (Red Meadow Marina), reflects the practice of dyeing and drying fabrics in the meadows. The unique triangular plot formed by the streets Ulldecona, Cal Cisó, and Pontils guided the design approach, which aimed to preserve the triangle's integrity while ensuring a rational and clear interior layout for the dwellings.


ⓒAdrià Goula
ⓒAdrià Goula
ⓒAdrià Goula
ⓒAdrià Goula

The three plot corners remain closed and unaltered. The design includes 72 social housing units, each with two rooms, optimized for ventilation, sunlight, typology, and views. The triangle is divided by two patios and passages oriented north-south, resulting in five distinct volumes. The east and west corners host unique dwellings. Instead of creating a small, interior triangular courtyard, the design features four corner dwellings per block, ensuring required solar exposure between 10 am and 2 pm. The complex's perception varies: from the east and west, it appears as a single unit with cracks; from the south, five volumes are visible, allowing sunlight to penetrate at midday and avoiding a monotonous 92-meter façade. This creates a building that is both compact and porous, with rationalized volumes and each floor housing twelve residences with dual orientation and ventilation.


ⓒAdrià Goula
ⓒAdrià Goula
ⓒAdrià Goula

Sustainability was a key focus in material selection to minimize the building's carbon footprint. Prefabricated and lighter components were chosen to avoid excavation in contaminated soils. Facades feature alternating vertical strips of glass and red-colored fiber-reinforced concrete (GRC), evoking the drying fabrics on the meadows. These facades are insulated to provide low thermal transmittance (0.24 W/m2 K). The reinforced concrete structure uses a Bubble-Deck system, reducing floor slab weight by 35% and enabling necessary cantilevers. This system, made from recycled PVC, also lowers the carbon footprint.


The project's design maximizes solar gain in winter and provides shading and cross ventilation in summer, resulting in low energy consumption of 8.76 kWh/m2 per year, achieving an A Rating and meeting Passivhaus standards with minimal heating and cooling needs. The roof features a shared solar photovoltaic plant producing 37.8 kWp, covering 51% of consumption, while the remaining roof space is vegetated to promote biodiversity and mitigate the heat island effect. Additionally, bike racks are installed to encourage alternative mobility.





건축가  MIAS ArchitectsColl-Leclerc Architects
위치  바르셀로나, 스페인
용도  사회주택
건축면적  7670 m²
준공  2020. 01 - 2023.12
대표건축가  Josep Miàs, Judith Leclerc, Jaime Coll
Carla Blanch, Marc Subirana, Mar Genovés, Manuel Giró, Mauro Soro, Maria Chiara Ziliani, Marta Casas, Anna Massana
사진작가  Adrià Goula

'Architecture Project > Multifamily' 카테고리의 다른 글

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마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
