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Tao Yiqiu was born in Xiajiaqiao Town (now known as the Xiaqiao Community of Lujia Town) of Kunshan. A memorial hall was built in his honor in Lujia Town. In 2020, since there would be an underground line to be built nearby, the memorial hall was planned to be relocated to Xiaqiao Community, Tao Yiqiu's birthplace. The new site is in a semi-enclosed area of three service buildings in the community. The lot has a narrow rectangular shape and is in a relatively messy surrounding environment. The client addresses rather simple requirements, as long as the building area does not exceed 1000 square meters and a few small exhibits as well as two sets of sculptures from the current venue can be accommodated.


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The design regards the memorial hall as a place for the preservation and transmission of memory. By creating a calm and restrained atmosphere, visitors can escape from the mundane surroundings, focus on gazing, listening and contemplating, and reflect on life through memorizing the role model. Two sets of walls of different heights are designed along the perimeter of the site to moderately separate the memorial hall's area from the surroundings and to exclude the service buildings from the visitors' sight. The interior area of the memorial hall is divided into five main themed exhibition spaces, front yard, main courtyard, front hall, exhibition hall and the statue courtyard. These are linked into a sequence from west to east along the depth the site, incrementally separating from the surrounding daily scenes.

The building has thus been expanded from a single indoor exhibition hall full of missionary meaning in the old venue to a quiet place that includes projections to the sky and grassy slopes and is slightly transcendent. While allowing visitors to commemorate the ancestors, it can also be used as a meditation garden for the Xiaqiao Community. As a result, the Tao Yiqiu Memorial Hall has transformed from a building that demands to be gazed at, to a place that allows viewers to gaze into their own hearts.


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건축가  Atelier Deshaus
위치 중국, 장자강, 쿤산시
면적 563.07m2
설계기간 2020. 12. - 2023. 3.
준공 2023. 5.
대표건축가 Chen Yifeng, Ma Danhong
디자인팀 Chen Yifeng, Ma Danhong, Liang Jun, Du Shangfang, Zhang Zhun, Chen Xuejian, Zhao Shiguang, Shi You, Jiang Haoqing, Wang Chenlu, Lu Hong
인테리어 Atelier Deshaus
조경 Atelier Deshaus
M&E AND Office, Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd.
클라이언트 Government of Lujia Town, Kunshan City
사진작가 Schran Image

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마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
